How wonderful to have this forum to discuss PANDAS. My 11 year old son has the condition. Here are my answers to your informal survey:
1. In retrospect, at what age do you believe that your child's PANDAS/PITAND began? (not necessarily the same time it was diagnosed) AT 3 YEARS OLD
2. At what age did your child begin to speak? AROUND 2 YEARS OLD (BUT HE ALSO HAS A HEARING DEFICIT IN 1 EAR)
3. At what age did your child begin to draw recognizable objects (e.g. faces, vehicles)?
4. Has your child had food allergies? To what? NONE DIAGNOSED
5. Does your child have changes in bowel function during a PANDAS exacerbation? INTERESTING QUESTION, I HADN'T MADE THE CONNECTION BUT I THINK HE DOES
6. Does your child have joint hypermobility, i.e. can he/she touch his/her thumb to the inside of his/her wrist (ok to pull on it to check, but not to the point of pain)? NO
7. Do you have joint hypermobility? NO
8. Are there any mental illnesses in family members (not necessarily immediate family)? What are they? Mother's side, or father's? BIPOLAR, DEPRESSION, ALCOHOLISM, OCD, ADHD (OUR FAMILY IS A CORNICOPIA ON BOTH SIDES)
9. Are there any autoimmune diseases in either the child or family members? (e.g. asthma, rhematoid arthritis, thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, etc.) YES, ASTHMA, ECZEMA
10. Does your child have trouble with the stitching in his/her socks? If so, is it worse during a PANDAS attack? USED TO BE A BIG PROBLEM BUT NOT ANYMORE
11a. Does your child have panic attacks? NOT REALLY, JUST VERY FEARFUL
11b. Is your child, or has he/she been, very separation anxious? NOT SO MUCH ANYMORE
12. Does your child tend to "overreact" to medications, particularly SSRIs, thus requiring dose adjustments below the typical range? NO
13. Does anyone in your family have mitral valve prolapse? NOT THAT I'M AWARE.
14. Does your child have any particularly striking "gifts", talent-wise? HE IS A FAIRLY GIFTED ACTOR
15. How would you describe your child's "regular" personality? HE IS A VERY HAPPY GO LUCKY KID