My daughter is on Feingold so we do the chemical free thing. A week or so ago someone asked about all natural syrup for snow cones and I gave an answer that I hadnt tested ( I stated that) but that I thought would work. Well my daughter had an adenoidectomy today so I got to try it out for myself and my gosh it works well! So I wanted to share it since it came out tasting good.
Snow cones in a cup w/flavored simple syrup
1C Diluted Juice (the more diluted the less intense the flavor)
1C Sugar
Bring to a boil, boil 1 min, turn heat down and simmer for 5 minutes. Let cool and then place in an air tight container and refrigerate.
When you are ready to make the snow cones get out your handy blender or food processor (I used the food processor) and grate until its the consistency of snow. Put in bowl, pour syrup over it and enjoy!