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  1. Adding my own opinion (scroll down to see the vaccine) http://oi57.tinypic.com/24m5ljq.jpg
  2. If you look toward the bottom of this totem pole, you'll see how I feel about vaccines, considering that I had 17 mercury amalgam fillings replaced more than 10 years ago. Mercury, or risk of thimerosal, birds of a feather. http://oi57.tinypic.com/24m5ljq.jpg
  3. P.S. Aside from fibromyalgia & MCS & electrosensitivity, I also am suffering from severe Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome & Tibial Tendinitis of foot, and its actually systemic, worsened by EMFs of computer. Using computer, or ingesting salty & sharp foods, triggers bodywide neuropathy & feelings of inflammation, shooting sparks & degeneration. It's excruciating. The doctor recommended Traumeel. I actually felt worse from it (cannot tolerate either coldness nor too much heat - its a nightmare) Later he suggested Ashvagandha. No dice. At this time he's recommending Benfotiamine, which I'm about to start on. I'm only putting up with being a "sorta" guinea pig, cuz he's a caring guy, unlike all the rest.
  4. Has anyone here tried any of the below forms of Far InfraRed and/or Earthing for detox? Eytonsearth TDP Far InfraRed Lamp (combined with wet clay) based on Eytonsearth story of elderly Chinese women ankle deep in clay in Chinese ceramics factory, while a Red-Hot Kiln equivalent to FIR, cast its rays on them. The women never developed arthritis. That inspired the depicted TDP FIR Lamp: http://eytonsearth.org/tdp-clay.jpg Note these TDP's and others FIR heaters are available on Ebay But I think complete grounding such as in sandbox or mudpool is safer, during use of FIR I.E. safer than just surface smearing of clay. Don't you think? Bathroom Far InfraRed Sauna by THMI (from years ago): http://user.xmission.com/~total/temple/Soapbox/Articles/sauna_images/2htr01.jpg My below idea is based on the experience of elderly acquaintance whose doctor in 1920s advised sequence of salt/mud salt/mud baths. That healed her paralysis long ago. http://oi62.tinypic.com/29ys5e0.jpg
  5. Well, I had had 11 sessions of IV disodium edta chelation, as well as Andy Cutler's chelation protocol (for mercury toxicity). That was approx. 10 years ago. All to no avail. I tried endless regimens and supplements and was basically worn out by it all. I'd been wondering, since i'm so toxified, if its even worthwhile to try stem cells for body repair (fibromyalgia including lots of neuropathy)
  6. Does anyone here know whether plasmapheresis gets rid of Lyme spirochetes? Thanks. The reason I ask is because I suspect I may have nanobacteria, due to symptoms which mimick Lyme, so I thought if plaspapheresis could zap spirochetes, then it can zap anything.. In 2005 a mammogram indicated grossly dense breast microcalcifications which were non-cancerous. Ever since puberty, in fact, I was unable to lie on my breasts, so I suspect long-term nerve damage was committed by my internal nanobacteria.
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