Good luck. I wish I was as prudent as you were to check if I should give my daughter Tamiflu for her flu a year ago. I am still playing the shoulda coulda game because she developed her tics following the flu and treatment with Tamiflu. But then, it is likely she had the underlying condition that was put over the edge by the flu. Just not sure till this day if Tamiflu had a role to play in it, it is supposed to get out of your system within a week. Looking back, we did notice some symptoms that indicated her PANS condition prior to the flu, a few months prior.
I can't look back, have to look forward, otherwise it will kill me inside and I will be blaming myself for the rest of my life and it does not do anyone good, I should realize. My DD8 has been a trooper so far, a straight A student so far and has minimal tics, but I won't stop fighting for her.