You're not alone. I am the older sister (almost 30) of two younger sisters (13 & 15). For over 5 years, the 13 year old has had "Tourette Syndrome" OCD, ADD, incontinence, vertigo, unilateral hearing loss, the list goes on. She tested positive for Lyme, Bartonella, RMSF, Mycoplasma, Babesia. We only in the past few months have discovered PANDAS. THIS ENTIRE TIME we have doted over the 13 year old, Dr after Dr, while the 15 year old is an honor roll student that never had ANY tics, or any of these very "obvious" signs that something was wrong. We, in the past year, discovered that the 15 year old has been self injuring for over a year, cannot get "negative thoughts" from her head, unwillingly thinks of suicide, etc. We rushed her for bloodwork, turns out, she too has Mycoplasma and lyme. Both are now on high doses of abx and we are hoping to avoid psychotropic meds for the 15yo....very scary though. So, in other words, totally "normal" to tend to the one that exhibits such "obvious" signs that something is wrong. You can't know until you know.