My DS(10) has been on azithromycin since mid-January and on GFCF diet since early March. He made great progress from February to mid-March - his "bad thoughts" went away, all but one tic disappeared, we were able to take him off clonidine at night and replaced with melatonin to help him sleep. I was so optimistic I even signed him up for a week of sleep-away camp in June! But things started to creep back in starting March 17th and he has continued to decline, becoming more emotional volatile, tics have increased, several bouts of out of control hyper activity, and several nose bleeds. We tried to ignore what was happening, but yesterday he was once again afraid to be alone (even in the bathroom) and was terrified to sleep by himself, so we are clearly headed right back to where we were in January.
Why is this happening??? Has the antibiotic stopped working? I have a call in to our pediatrician but feel so helpless and overwhelmed. Hoping someone might have some insight.