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Everything posted by mblack

  1. Broderick's Mom - yes our cases seem alot alike. Our son was born Dec. 1996 and he to was jaundice. We followed all the vaxination requirements like we thought we were suppose to do. Never once did we ever know about Thermasol or Mercury or Tics or Tourettes. Then, about the 3Rd grade all of this started. Please let us know what we need to do to get this ban wagon going. I am going to post on the Davis Kirby website and I am going to try to get a message to Oprah as well. We need some exposure on this thing and get the word out. If it is anything at all to this our kids deserve to be heard and a nation wide study done, then something done to help all that have been affected. Please anyone let us know what all we need to do. I am with everyone 100%.
  2. Kim, how do I get involved with this. Reading all this on your post has really made a lot of sense to me. Our son was born in Dec. 1996 and he recieved all the vaxinations that he was required to have. I never knew anything about Thermasol, mercury exposure or anything. I just always assumed what he was getting was safe and now that he has developed tics like so many others on this site, and others that have probally never spoken out, it really makes me sick. What can we do? What do you suggest that we do? Who do I need to contact? What needs to be said? Do we need to contact a lawyer? Could we possibly get some exposure to this maybe on the Oprah show? She is from my home State of MS. in fact her home town and mine are just minutes apart. If I knew how to contact her I would ask her to help us in this matter. Sorry for all the questions but I am really full of questions right now and I am not to good at finding the right people or places to get my answers. Please advise on what I need to do to help. If anyone knows how to contact Oprah please let me know?
  3. Thank you all so much for your input and words of encouragement, I really appreciate it. The thing about his allergies is that he is allergic to almost everything and we don't know whether it is food, outside, or other things causing the problems. We have only been giving the shots for a short time and in all fairness need to stay the couse on this for a while longer. Along with the foods that he showed absolute allergies too he also had many others that were questionable and some of those may be an issue. It is just so hard, we can not keep him away from everything or we will staarve him to death. No we are not taking suppliments at this time. We have been taking one thing at a time with his environmental doctor. We have done the allergy test, and now we are doing the heavy metal testing, and will be doing hair analysis next. His doctor likes to work with one thing at a time. Yes and no Chemar, a joke of a pediatric nuerologist said he had mild TS, this was just by looking at him for 2 seconds and he wanted to start him on drugs for it. Now, the environmental doctor says no he does not have TS, just has little tics like alot of kids do when they are growing up. I still am not sure whether TS is an issue or not. Ryan does not show any signs of ADD, ADHD, or OCD but he is very nervous and can not handle pressure well at all. He gets very uptight over weather and things of that nature and worries about most everything. He is a very smart child and does not seem to be having any trouble so far in the 5th grade classroom. I am soory about looking at God as punishing my child but I just get so overwhelmed at times and look for someone or something to blame. Here we had this perfect little boy that I had always dreamed of that went around as a small toddler imitating Elvis Presley and the way he used to do his top lip. We used to get such a big kick out of the way Ryan would do this, he was so cute and could do it well. Im sorry if I do not get all the questions answered but I wish I could be the one incouraging and helping and not the one always looking for help and encouragement. Thanks again to all who offer their help and are so concerned.
  4. I just do not understand. We have followed a very strict diet, kept our son away from video games, and basically done everything we know to do and still we have tic issues. One tic will disappear while something else starts. He is now starting the funny eye blinking episodes again and now a sort of head shrugging while he pull his fist up to his chest, and puckering his mouth or lips out. Does nerves, stress, and anxiety play a hugh role in tics. I noticed a real bad episode of tics when I carried my son to the hospital for pre-admitting to get his tonsels taken out. The surgery is not until this Thursday but he is really worried about it. It also has been lightning real bad the last couple of evening and he does not like that as well. What can a parent do to sooth a childs nerves and reassure them that everything is going to be okay? I can't help it but I cry most everyday and wonder why God is punishing my child. Any help is very much appreciated.
  5. Well, we made our latest Doctor visit and this time Ryan was tested for Formaldehyde and would'nt you know it, he is allergic to this also. I would have thought that all the food and environmental allergies that he has surely he would'nt be allergic to anything else. No wonder this kid has as many tics as he does. Now he is taking 5 shots per week. Our next visit is in 6 weeks and in the meanwhile we will be doing the heavy metal testing as well as nutrient deficiency. We will also be having his tonsels taken out Aug.30th. I don't know what all else we can handle, this is all getting very much overwhelming. If anyone else out there is having all these allergy problems then we really feel for you. Thanks to all you on this forum that reads these post and are concerned for total strangers. Everyone that has problems and post on this forum are always in our prayers.
  6. Hi everyone, I have been noticing something about the TV viewing or more so the audio. When my son starts watching TV, mainly in the morning he will have a uh, uh, uh, vocal tic, but as soon as you mute the TV sound the tics stop, unmute the tic comes back, What goes here? Also, if anyone with authority speaks directly to our son and trys to make eye to eye contact then this makes his eye blinking and eye rolling tic get noticibly worse, what goes here? This can be anyone he views that has authority over him, parents, teachers, any he doesn't know (stranger), or any adult mainly. Just a couple questions and observations that I was wondering if anyone else had ever picked up on. Has anyone had an experience with bad tonsils in your child and been advised to have them removed? Did removing them have any affect at all with any of their tics or other symptoms? Thanks so much for everyones concern and help. I do really appreciate the input.
  7. Hi Faith, could you tell me what a DAN doctor is? Is that different from a environmental doctor that was referred by aaem.com? We are seeing a doctor that I found through aaem and we have a visit next Tuesday. My son is not any better with the allergy shots and alot of things are pointing to heavy metals, some type of dificiency or something, he has RLS real bad at night, what test do I ask for?
  8. Hi Chemar, Yes and no on the dx of TS. Yes we were seen by a Pediatric Neurologist and after a 2 second glance at my son he said he has mild TS. But get this all this man was concerned about was asking my son what he wanted to do when he grew up. When my son would reply he would tell him no no no you want to be a DOCTOR like me. He told him that he worked very very little and made lots and lots of money and he could buy all these things with that money. He really made me sick. Now the doctor that did the allergy testing told us no that my child did not have TS, so do I have a dx of TS I really don't know. I really do want him tested for the heavy metals, so what test do I need to ask for? Will a simple blood test be all that is needed? What is pyroluria? I have not heard of that before. No PANDAS/PITANDS have not been ruled out, not even talked about yet. We go back to see the environmental doctor next week for a 3 week check after starting the allergy shots. Do I need to start some of the suppliments myself without the okay from the doctor? What is kids calm? Any and all advice and information is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Even though we have had our son tested for environmental as well as food allergies and found out that he is allergic to nearly everything, we are still what seems like miles away from helping him with his tics. We have kept him away from his major allergic things or we have done what I think is the best we can but still, good is not good enough. I really feel as though something else should be addressed, but what? We are giving him his maintainance shots and food allergy shots like advised but still he tics. How long does these shots take to start having any effect on his allergies? He is having bad eye blinking, eye rolling, and head bobbing episodes and it is about to kill me. Can anyone advise something further on looking into something else. He will start the 5th grade Aug. 8th and I am really concerned. Should we require that he be tested for nutrient deficiencies, and possibily heavy metals? How are these test run and what are the test called? The spots in his legs that bother him every night are no better eather, he says it is one spot in both calves of his legs that drive him crazy at night. It sort of sounds to me like a nerve ending bothering him. We speed antwhere from 2 to 4 hours a night rubbing and massaging his legs, which leaves us with very little sleep, something has to give. We go back to our doctor Aug. 7th and I need to know what to ask for or insist on having done. Thanks for your input ahead of time.
  10. Hi caryn and chemar, thank you for your comments and information. Caryn to answer your question our son was at the point where he could not stop the very heavy eye blinking and eye rolling and stretching his chin to his chest with his mouth open. He also has very bad sensations in the calves of his legs when he gets ready to go to bed. He discribes these feelings like there is something inside his legs trying to scatch its way out. He say it does it all the time but bothers him the greatest at bed time. He playes alot of baseball and the tics would absolutely run him and us crazy, we did not know what was going on. He is 10 yrs old by the way. After his first maintainance shot from Dr. Brown we immediately started to see improvements.
  11. Hi bmom thanks for your reply. The test given were IgE or IgG not RAST but something like that. The thing that is so hard is with an elimination diet is he can't have any of what he showed to be allergic, and for us that doesn't leave anything that he will eat. On the rotation diet then you have to rotate food and not eat the same things over and over, for the more you eat a food in succession the more apt your are to gain a sensitivity for that food. We are suppose to choose from each food group protein, fruit, vegitables, grains, oils, sweetning agents, beverages something different each of 4 days in a row before repeating a given food we have already had that week.
  12. Hello everyone, as I promised here is the result of my sons recent visit to Dr. Brown in Gadsden, AL. We spent 2 whole days with Ryan being tested for environmental as well as food allergies. The results were environmentally he is allergic to CLD - cotton linter's dust, Trees - all kinds, Grass - all kinds, Weeds - all kinds, Histamine, House Dust Mites and PTMS, Mold, Household Insects, Privet, Fescue Grass, Goldenrod, Cat, Dog. His worst being Grass, Fescue Grass, & House Dust Mites & PTMS. He will now take 1 desensitization shot per week for 1 year. Food allergies, he is allergic to Corn, Soybean, Tea, Beef, Potato, Tomato, Black Pepper, Fresh Water Fish. He is Questionable on Wheat, Malt, Egg, Chocolate, Milk, Chicken, Lettece, Cane Sugar, Cottonseed, Bakers Yeast, Onion, Salt Water Fish, Oat, Mozzorella Cheese & Coconut. We are now to start a rotational diet, and challenge the foods in which he is questionable. Foods that you can not challenge because they are all but impossible to avoid meaning they are in everything are Wheat, Corn, Malt, Soybean, Egg, Milk, Cottonseed, Bakers Yeast, Peanut. He is to get 2 shots per week for at least 1 year with these. We will be giving him his shots at home. But, I am so confused because if you are challenging a particular food and you have environmental allergies as well how do you know which may be causing the problem. Or if these things that are in everything might be causing the problem and not the challenged item. Also I am asking if anyone has any information such as cook books that I may purchase, recipes that I may get, or anything that will help me with decisions on what to feed my child. At this point I don't know what to feed my kid. Starving him is not an option. We have a two fold problem, one is our life style does not work well with a roational type diet plan and two the local supermarket where we trade does not cater to allergic type people. I have read every label, looked at every package and whatever I can find and there is just not anything that does not contain any of his allergic foods or questionable or the foods that are in everything. Plus all of the artifical flaovrs, colors and dyes and perservitives. It is really almost a joke at what the foods people eat today have in them. No wonder there are so many problems going on with people. I also have got to look at cost as well. We just can't afford everything that we are suppose to get and if you can find organic thing they are so much more expensive. Anyway that is what we found out and we are delighted to say that he seems to be much better even after only 1 shot of his serum, and seems to be much happier. I do appreciate and would like to thank everyone that reads these forums and even more for those who respond and give their opinion, expert advice or just pass on informfrom someone or somewhere else. All the information is needed and welcomed. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
  13. Thanks Caryn, Patty, Dedee, PANDAS Denmark, for your response and interest and especially your insights. I really do appreciate people like yourself that are willing to listen and answer questions based on yours and your childs experiences. I will be posting what we find out after our doctor visit. Thanks again.
  14. My son is now having problems with his legs or is complaining that his legs feel like there is something in the calves trying to claw its way out. This has been going on for awhile now and does not seem to be getting any better. He says that it hurts and that it also tickles. It does not seem to bother him during the day only at night when he is getting ready for bed. He says that all he wants to do is hit his legs and he is beginning to cause bruses. We have been staying up with him until 2-3 a.m. everynight to rub his legs for him and get him relaxed enough so he can fall asleep. Once he falls asleep everything is okay. He stated that he has prayed that god would make all of this stop but he guessed that he was'nt listening to his prayers. That kind of stuff really breaks my heart. From all that he tells us and from what we have read this sounds like RLS ( Restless Leg Syndrome). Is there anyone out there who has experienced this sort of thing with your child or maybe yourself and have any comments they would be greatly appreciated. I'm telling you we are at ropes end on this situation and can't want to get some positive information that is going to help our son. I have read Sheila's book (Tics And Tourette's Breakthrough Discoveries In Natural Treatments), and the book really does give me alot of hope for my son. I do recommend the book to anyone that is facing these type of situations. Our appointment with the environmental doctor in Gadsden, Alabama is this Tuesday and it can't get here fast enough. So in the meanwhile if you have a comment or anything else you would like to say I will be listening. Thanks!
  15. Hello Powerofprayer, no I really don't know what type of test is planned. They just told me that I would need to schedule 2 days. I expect a RAST but again I do not know.
  16. Thanks Powerofprayer and no I have not searched for an intergrative doctor yet. I was going to see how the environmental doc works out. Our appointment is not until July17-18 it is a 2 day appointment.
  17. Calicat - you are right! I do not see TS as a psycological problem eather after everything that I have read. About the only thing I could think of that they might help would be to teach relaxation technics to the patient at most. I ask the general practicianer this morning about testing that could be done to see if my son carried any antibodies of strep or strep titres but he told me that there was no such test, and all the stuff I was reading on the iternet was just some people thinking and coming up with their own theries. He says that none of it is scientific and has not been proven in studies. I ask him why there were not more studies to find these things out and his reply is that were not enough TS patients out there to study. I think he is dead wrong, there are alot of ticking people out in this world that have not been diagnosed. My son had Mononucleoses when he was in kindergarden and was in the bed for the better part of 3 months. All the while he was on medications and since he has had some problems every year whether it be flu like stuff or sinusitus, chronic cough and other illnesses. It hasn't been until recently that he started with the tics and was diagnosed with TS. I really hope that this doctor that I have found can shed some light on what is going on. I found him by typing in Environmental Doctors List in Google search and then clicking on the nearest State to me and his name came up. There were not any in MS. I surely hope he is what I am looking for.
  18. I have found a Environmental doctor in Gadsden, AL. jsut wondering if anyone knows of him so forth and so on. He is Dr. Andew Brown and he is "Fellow" member of the American Academy of Environmental Medician. I am planning on this being my starting point to hopefully finding out what is causing all of my sons problems. Any and all suggestions are very welcome at this point. I live im MS. and there are no doctors of this nature here. I was advised by the local family doctor to seek out a good pediatric psychiatrist that works with or specialist with TS patients. Any advice from anyone on this? Thanks too anyone and all who offer help and advice, I really appreciate it.
  19. Thanks Dylan's Mom and Calicat, Please understand that I am so confused right now that I can hardly remember what is what. How do I get the book "Say Goodbye To Illness"? Are you saying that you need to read this book and this is the testing that tells you what sensitivities your child has? or what test are you talking about that I need to have done to my child? Cailcat - where do I get Sheli's book?Where do I find an Environmental Doctor and what is the difference in him verses a allergy specialist? Please I am grasping a straws here trying to decide what to do and how to go about it. I have read so many things in the post from differnt parents doing a wide array of treatments that it is all very confusing. You are saying that Number 1 I try to find a Environmental doctor and make an appointment with him right? He will know what test that we should be doing right? What is PANDS and PITANDS and where do I find information on them?
  20. My10 year old son has been diagnosed with tourette's. A mild form grant you but TS non the less. Ever since the diagnosis and the doctor saying that it was no cure and the only options we had were with drugs that may or may not work and would have side effects, I have been searching, reading and trying to find everything possible that I could find. I have found so much that I am in a total array of confusion. Alot of what I am reading is that the tics, which he has "unusual eye blinking, rolling of the eyes, neck stretching, touching his chin to his chest, grunting, sniffing, cough, clearing his throat, smelling, talking in his sleep, sleep walking, and so on" are caused by some underlying allergy problem. I have also read about children that have had strep or some other illnesses in childhood and my son had a bad case of Mononucleouses when he was very small. He stayed in the bed for months and was constantly on medication. Anyway I am very unsure on where I should turn next. Do I get him to a allery specialist and if so what test do I seek? Do I seek out a Neurologist or what do I do? I do not know which way to turn right now and I am nearly at the end of my rope. I ordered the ebook "End Your Childs Tics Now" by Steve Driskill and basically he was telling you to stop all diary products and start giving Magnesium and this would solve the problems. I have tryed this for 15 days and the tics seem to be worse not better. Please anyone out there with any idea on helping me help my child please help.
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