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Everything posted by Marretts
Hi Ausclare, I received an email through ACN from you, and thank you for your words of help, I am in Newcastle and have loved this site and found many helpful ideas, so far my son has responded very well to alternative medicines, I see a Bio Chemist and have been for 4 months and my son is so much better, I stopped crying about it 2 months ago. So hang in there, if you read my past posts my son had high metals and I believe this was the problem as well as yeast. If you need my email direct marretts@yahoo.com.au - I don't check it all the time maybe once/twice a week.
I think Brian one main reason is that just this week in Australia 5 fish breeds were reported to have very high mercury levels which I and many others believe contribute to immune problems, by taking the fish oil most brands can say they have no mercury in their products and also most people know they should eat fish twice a week but its like drinking 8 glasses of water a day, I know I should but I don't, this way we are making sure our children are getting their Omega 3's.
Sheila, the tests are done at a biologics lab in Sydney, Australia and they draw blood and check against 66 chemicals,the same for food sensitivities. Thanks for information.
Hi Sheila, I see you are on at the moment and I wanted to ask you some questions, my son started ticcing in September after several bouts of illness and not long after we put in carpet, I have had him tested for heavy metals which he was very high in lead, aluminium, copper and mercury. He also had food sensivities to corn, wheat, gluten, rockmelon, strawberries, sugar, milk (all mild) and moderate to bakers yeast. We have been treating him for yeast and metals with Vit C and Multi-B and Salmon oil and seen much improvement. He did not test positive to formaldahyde so does this mean carpet was not the main problem?? He tested to some chemicals found in pesticides which I don't use so I'm not sure if these tests mean he has been in contact with these things or that his blood just would react to them if he did come in contact with above foods and chemicals. Many thanks
Jennifer, wanted to let u know I have been reading a book called hitchhiking through Asperger Syndrome by Lise Pyles, its a mothers story about her son and what helped him, and she mentions that she talked to Bonnie Grimaldi about minerals and basically follows her regime, but she gives more B6 more towards autism than tourettes although her son did have tics as well. Her son also had milk allergy, all colours and preservatives and found several other triggers by doing emlin. diet and feingold. Anyway her son is much improved after all her efforts, he also had a sulfation problem which apparently can be common in autism spectrum, anyway not a bad book if u can get it.
Hi Heather, I too share your thoughts, My sons symptoms started in September after 3 bouts of illnesses, high fevers, vomiting and ear infections in a matter of 6 weeks then all this started. As a child he had many ear infections which was treated with antibotics which in turn have their own side affects of which my son reacted with diarrhia and vomiting on pennicillan. My son also had a very large absys on his gum around September and I think all this impacted on his nervous system. I hope all this supplementing will eventually help. He also had very high metals in his system but I don't know where from. I hope to get to where your son is now. We still have shrugging a lot and rolling of the eyes but a bit better. I notice in the a.m at school he is a bit worse maybe nervous. The sniffing stopped after I took him off dairy. We are off to the Bio-chemist today.
thanks Jeff, I have looked up the feingold diet so will try to stick with that its confusing over the yeast thing. I looked yesterday and couldn't find any decent bread thats not as hard as a brick thats gluten/yeast and wheat free.
Hi all, once again thanks for your help, it was a blood test which tests 89 common foods and rates from mild to severe, I also had them test for chemicals. I think they test the blood to see if it reacts rather than whats already in the system, as he was positive for several chemicals that I don't use, as I use all natural cleaning and no pesticides. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed again, I hope I can find the products in Australia you mention for the bread mix and also the heavy metals. thanks
Hi Jeff, I just posted a new topic about food sensitivities then I saw your response here, I have seen your previous posts and thought I was dealing more with heavy metals and yeast however now I wonder, my son came back with mild sens. to Avocado, Grapes, oranges (not lemons) rockmelons, strawberries, broccoli, cane sugar, aspartame, cows milk, corn, sunflower, wheat and wheat gluten and bakers/brewers yeast. plus several food additives. Does this sound like salicitys to you (or however its spelt). I will check out the feingold diet site, hopefully it will work for us. so far the supplements are working well but not quite there yet. thanks for posting all this info is invaluable.
Hi everyone, Just got the food test back and my son is has a mild sensitivity to grapes, corn, oranges, broccoli, cows milk, wheat, gluten, brewers yeast and higher to bakers yeast. But had no reaction to candida, which we have been treating. I'm confused if he has problems with yeast but no reaction to candida albicans?? I wonder why. So now I have to find a bread he can eat, we have been off dairy for 3mths now which is good. Also no reaction to chedder is this a cheese that is not dairy? Hoping someone can help me, I added L-carnitine for eye-rolling 2 weeks ago and he is much better, but still shrugging a lot. We also had heavy metal problems which is being treated by VIT C and other supplements but I'm going to get Chlorella tablets as we cannot get NDF in Australia. Thanks all for your ongoing help.
Thanks for that Jennifer, I will go to the library today and see if I can get that. I'm sure my family think I'm obsessed, actually I am!! But I see the success that a lot of the people are having here and know I'm on the right track. How is your son going? Does amino acid testing require a blood test? Thanks
Hi Heather, Well we had a hair analysis done which was sent to America for a lab to do there. And it showed very high Aluminium, lead, copper, nickel and fairly high mercury. I have researched symptoms and as some autistic children have mercury problems and also some have tics and maybe all these problems are on the same spectrum I'm guessing that's the root of the tics. Also I think mercury is worse or does not excrete fromt he body properly if there is a yeast problem. Will let you know how our visit goes tomorrow as we are a day behind you. Thanks Again for replying.
Heather, I too would like to thank you for posting your story and success, it gives us the encouragement to go on. Your story sounds much like my son. We are treating the yeast first as well, although no yeast test was done, however they did a finger prick blood test which showed digestive problems. We are off to the naturopath today. Can you tell me how long you treated the yeast before doing NDF. Also did your child have eye-rolling tic? This one seems quite bad at the moment. Has anyone tried L-carnitine for this? Threelac is over $100 in Australia do you think it is much better than the Flora Plus (probiotic option). Did you use the Oxy product with the threelac as it seems to be recommended to use at same time. I have been overloading on research on Mercury and other metals and I'm sure thats the root of our problem, however no improvement in last 2 weeks. Also I'm going to get the blue-green algae and try that. thanks everyone
To Heather and Jennifer In regard to symptoms with your children did they have eye rolling and looking to one side. My son has heavy aluminium, lead, nickel, copper and fairly high Mercury. I have got some homeopathic drops yesterday for mercury and lead, I will get the malic acid in a week hope this works. I am having trouble getting NDF in Australia, does anyone know if I can combine homeopathic drops with NDF as I don't wont to detox him to quickly. My son also shoulder shrugs and eye rolling although much better in last 2 months. Thanks
Thanks Heather, Your response fits experience that you give me hope, my sons condition started after several bouts of fever, and vomiting and general unwellness, we too went to a Naturopath and hair anaylsis found high aluminium, nickel and lead and fairly high Mercury, so we are on gut flora for yeast problems, I have not eliminated bread all together, he said just not too much. My son is also taking fatty acid supps. I have found an improvement but still noticeable I just hope we will get to your stage, what is NDF?? I am also supplementing with Multil-B, Vit C for metals and magnesium powder which has been 2 weeks. He still rolls his eyes a lot. Very stressfull!! Thanks again for taking the time to respond.
Has anyone noticed if their child tics more in the car than anywhere else. My son really relapses in the car for some reason, I wonder if he is allergic to anything in the car or if when closed up the car outmits gasses. As it is only 3 years old.
To JKCANC IF YOU GO TO www.braintalk.org and into Tourettes there is much info regarding eye blinking and that it could be a B1 deficiency if you do a search in the forum and put eye blinking FJ* is very knowledgeable about it. Regards. I have only just stopped crying a few weeks ago and now on the journey of knowledge, trying to find the triggers and treating with vitamins/minerals, so far a bit of success but still some ticcing. Still hopeful I think these things are immune related, so build the immune and hope. Good Luck
To Guest, The Multi -B given by Naturopath/Bio-Chemist has on the bottle to be given by practitioner only but I have seen the same Probiotic brand in local health food shop. Contact for Eagle Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd 4/40 Carrington Rd. Castle Hill NSW 2154. As for tics in the family my father-in-law does squint/blink a lot and my husband chews his fingers and touches his nose constant and is a very active person - not sure if these are tics. My son has no vocal tics at all - just had the sniffing which is gone.
To Jean and Guest, Sorry I see I didn't get to your questions, we did a live blood test at Naturopath where they pricked both his fingers and the hair analysis sent to a lab in America by our lab in Sydney so I don't know the name but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Great Smokies Lab. They don't do this test in Australia. We give him Vit C powder to bring down the lead and I give him VIT E as good anti-oxident. My son starting motor tics very suddenly, I think he always sniffed a bit and raised eyebrows. But sniffing got very loud, now its gone, Naturopath thinks that this is from NO DAIRY. Multi B has 50mg BI 20 mg B2 Nicotinamide 220mg Nicotinic acid (B3) 5mg Calcium pantothenate 100mg, Folic acid 150mg, B12 50mg, Vit C 50mg, Vit E 50mg, Vit A 1.37mg, Betacarotene 2.5 m.g, this also has taurine 125mg, Choline Bitartrate 50mg, Glutamine 50mg and Lysine hydrochloride 50mg plus Lecithin, Inositol, Ribonuclei acid, Aminobenzoic acid, Betaine hydrochloride, Biotine, Also many minerals Zinc, Potassium, Calcium as phosate, Magnesium as phosphate, Magnesium and Potassium aas aspartate, Manganese as sulphate, Lithium as carbonate Molybdeunm, Cobalt, Iodine, Rubidium, Copper and Chromium as amino acid chelate. Sorry a lot add.
Thanks for all your replies, I hope I answer all your questions. My son is taking Tresos-B (Multi Eagle brand given to me by Naturopath and same for the Probiotic called Ultra Flora DF by Metagenics both made in Australia. The Naturopath thought my son had digestive problems hence probiotic 2 tablets a day. Multi B started once a day now am and pm. Salmon Oil is a Fish Oil from Golden Neo Life (GND) which has EPA 55mg and DHA 45mg, I hope this is not where he got the mercury? As I took this and a multi when pregnant. As for hardwood floors I'm pretty sure Beeswax is all natural, also tongue oil would be much better option than polyurathene finishes also need non-toxic glue when laying floor. Golden Neo Life is an American product and they have a web site not sure how to list this but do a search, thats how I found it. I'm very interested in the Body Bio stuff and hope anyone posts if helpful to them. To guest my son gets plenty of Calcium from green leafy veggies broccoli and kiwi fruit have high calcium, he has goats milk also. Its a myth that milk has much higher calcium. The bookin Poisoning our Children by Nancy Soko Green is very good. I am changing to all tea tree oil cleaning products and natural soaps, shampoos etc.
Thanks Claire Yes I have read a lot about carpets being toxic, and read a really good book about poisioning our children with just everyday things. I just wasn't sure if carpet looses the toxity as we have had it for 6mnths now. But I am seriously considering ripping it up and having hardwood done in beeswax. My son is 8yrs old.
Hi, Everyone, I have been reading this forum and braintalk for months and would like to start by thanking all of you. My son started body tics in September after several bouts of sickness, which I believe weakened his immune system. Anyway after reading all your input, I took him of all dairy, went to a Naturopath and had hair anaylsis and blood testing done. We started a multi-B vitamin, Salmon Oil, and Probiotics, and followed a low allergy diet. We have already had lessening of symptoms, no more loud sniffing, and head bobbing and shoulder shrugging much less obvious. He still has some eye-rolling but much improved. His hair an. showed high aluminium, lead, nickel and a bit high for mercury - any suggestions?? We started Vit C to help this for lead and a multi high in magnesium. We also only have spring water as not sure where high levels coming from. We also had new carpet installed and scotchguarted before this started, could this be it - should we pull carpet up? Newcastle Australia