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Everything posted by Claire

  1. efgh There is no relationship that I know of. High altitudes have a lower air concentration (think of oxygen masks on airplanes). This is probably minor and insignificant. It was the use of oxygen for epilepsy documented research (no double blind studies) that had caught my attention. That is all I know about it, sorry. I was trying to learn more. Claire
  2. It is so hard to get my son to eat protein or fruits and vegetables! Except he will have a strawberry smoothie (frozen strawberries in the blender and milk, and sweetener), bananas and carrot juice and brocolli juice. If he drinks the vegie juices he gets a little vanilla icecream (real vanilla these days, after reading about vanillin). He used to eat protein (fish, poultry, and turkey hot dogs) but he liked them all with a little breading, and rice breading (he isn't eating wheat) just isn't the same. Marriet and Heather, how do you get your child to eat healthy now, and this adjusted diet? My son won't swallow pills so I empty any capsules into a small amount of water which he sucks up with a straw, followed by a teaspoon of icecream (just a spoonful of sugar...). We tried chlorella a couple of times, but it was just too strong for him. I would prefer to do this through my EM doctor--of course we must wait for the test results. But I will save your specific instructions to discuss with him. Claire
  3. Hi Heather, My son just took a test, which from what I can tell tests peptides for wheat and something for casein, and something for yeast. This is the same lab that tests for leaky gut, and I think this is one of the doctor ran those tests. We just sent in the test to the lab on Monday. I guess as bad as it sounds (leaky gut), it would be good to identify it so that we could move forward--I am just convinced that my son is not getting nutrients. On the other hand, moving him toward more balanced eating (fewer carbs, more protein, will be an incredible challenge) Thanks for writing, it is really great to hear about someone with success! I think that Chemar found that yeast control made a difference for her son. Jennifer mentioned a hair test too, I will need to ask my EM doctor about them. I don't know how parents do this without a knowledgeable EM/naturapath/homeopath... to guide them--it would be like shooting in the dark. As it is, I am impatient for all the results to come back, and I know we have more tests to go. Claire
  4. Hi Marriet, jcand, Some people apparently have a strong reaction to certain carpeting (in cars or wherever). Someone here posted on carpet reaction, and Doris Rapp discusses carpets as causing a host of ailments. I know that light flicker thru trees can bother some as well (as jcand mentioned). My recommendation is to experiment: vacuum the car well when your child isn't there, then put a clean allergic protective sheet over the upholstery--front and back. If you don't have it, try something else to cover it for the experiment. Run one of those car hepa filters (I think called Roomaid) in the car for a few minutes before you go. See if it makes a difference. If this is a big help--try leather seats for your next car. Also, beware paint smells! They have low-odor paints. Hi jcand--nice to see you here, I hope all is well! Claire
  5. Hi Frank, Thanks a million! I joined Feingold, but for some reason I can't figure out how to get on their message board, I think I am trying to access the right link. You are the second person here to solve this peer problem by homeschooling. Not related to the Feingold diet, but my son gets tics/compulsions from CRT computer monitors and TV, due to the flic This is not a problem at home--we have an LCD monitor with a TV tuner (no flicker), and he rarely watches, and at his current school the teacher knows he is not authorized to view either, but middle school next year is going to be a HUGE challenge. So he doesn't get tics without the computer, but I am wondering whether diet change might make him less sensitive. I know that either corn syrup or artificial colors/flavors make him highly wired--generally seen after school events or basketball snacks--ugh. I just talked to him about the 'trade' idea again, as we used to do this (Jean mentioned this also), but he rejected it soundly. He sees that computer/TV makes a difference, but the diet restriction is 'nonsense' in his mind. He is allergic to wheat and peanuts, and is eating wheat only temporarily for testing purposes, however next week he goes back off wheat. This is just too much restriction for a 10 year old at once. I think first I will see what all these recent tests uncover, and go from there. Again, I buy nothing with artificial colors/sweeteners/preservatives for our home food--I agree that parents must support their children and follow a similar diet. Also, I am going to buy low-odor paints for painting, we are basically about to paint the interior. I think it will take weeks though, and I can't see 'moving out' that long. No one but me in our home thinks it matters! He loves Oreos! I will check out that brand, thanks. Claire
  6. efgh I have no idea/pull there--though I think Chemar may. I would suggest signing up at yahoo or lycos for a 2nd email email id, and see if that will work. They are free services also. Claire
  7. efgh Thanks for the link on mag taur. Yes that is what it costs for allergy covers, as I just bought more myself (ouch!), though I heard that Walmart now has them cheap. It might be worth a check to see if their quality is ok--the feel must be comfortable for your child. I get the highest quality level for the covers. If you don't have a HEPA filter, they are great for dust, and relatively quiet. I posted a link, I think somewhere in this thread on LCD monitor costs. For a 15" WITH a TV tuner also, it is about $450. Samsung has one. I just searched bestbuy.com. This is where I bought ours. My son was always calm, but lately with the delayed sleep, he seemed more wired and restless to me, though mostly at bedtime. Now he seems more back to normal again--though the melatonin is a factor at night. After too many sweets, ie some school event, he gets overly chattery and wired. He recognizes it and thinks it is funny, it doesn't bother him, just me. Fortunately this is only once/month. I don't know if it is the sugar or the artificial colors/flavors causing it. Is he focused in school? Is this just at home? Claire
  8. Frank, Thanks so much for the feedback! I am glad this thread was named "Feingold", as this is a clear approach. My son gets 'urges/fears' during strep (ie PANDAS), and I always wondered whether this genesis would change the appropriateness of Feingold, so your feedback is helpful. I also wondered if it just helped tics and adhd, rather than the compulsions/urges, so this is helpful to read. I remember once he was in the bathroom while I was using strong cleaners, and he had a reaction later that day--since then I have simply kept him away from them. Does your son have issues with the Salicytes that Feingold mentions (grapefruit, strawberries)? Does he occassionally get to have that gosh-awful chemicals, lfor example at school parties? This is my most difficult challenge, and where I cave in. I know that Jean makes 'trades', and I have offered this, but he doesn't want to feel different. Do you do vitamin supplmentaton also, or is Feingold alone sufficient? Thanks again for posting, Claire
  9. efgh, Thanks for the magnesium taurate input, I will check it out. Is this supposed to be a benefit of it? How much do you give? I am still doing the melatonin, as I am trying to break him of going to sleep with a radio on, which I think interferes with his sleep. I cut back to 1/2 mg--some on the other board and in studies do 6 mg. I agree that sudden bans can be really hurtful to the child, this needs to be handled so carefully, so as not to bring undue sadness to the child. Ours was gradual, first no computer. When months later we noticed the TV trigger (perhaps he started to get more sensitive over time, or was coming to an age where this was an issue), we talked with him to reach a deal on what we could trade off. I often have rewards: the first 30 days is a dollar a day reward for breaking/making a new habit. Or a sticker (equiv. to a dollar) that he uses to save up to something. I know this isn't an issue for every child. But for us, we don't need food restrictions if we do just this. And the LCD monitors are a godsend. Claire
  10. Hi Jean, Yes, I found it much easier for my son if I didn't do what he couldn't do (other than that my work is on the computer), both for foods (wheat/peanuts) and TV/Computer. Gradual change is best also. I offer trades for things at school, and I have some treats/snacks at his afterschool care center that he can eat. This doesn't change the wanting to not feel different, so I let him have what other kids are having. You say the tics are gone now, except 'maybe' a sniff (does he think he is stuffy?). How long after you stopped TV/computer and started Feingold did it take? Did you notice an improvement over the 2 week vacation when he didn't get the 40 minute computer lab at school? Do you notice any more fidgets/wiredness after the lab? I think my son's initial reaction is to be fidgety/wired and then if he continues with the computer/TV for days he gets the tics. The tics take longer to go away, as though he has reached a 'worse' level of impact to his nervous system. Finally, my techie friend said that the technicians at school can easily download drivers for the computers so that you can set the monitors at 75 hz frequency, not 60 hz. As you go up the frequency level, fewer people are affected. You might wish to consider this at your son's school--I bet many children would benefit, as I personally think this contributes to ADHD also. I can't tell you how many adults I know complain of the 60 hz computers--she says the same is true of her office, she is affected also, and others at her IT department are. One woman has her office with no fluorescent lights--she just can't work with them on. My son can have limited TV/computer on the LCD monitor, but he hasn't asked in months. Lifestyle change--he and his dad are playing basketball in the garage now, not sitting in front of the TV. I guarantee you he will be fitter than the average child with this lifestyle! As I mentioned, since he has been so active, he rarely gets sick. He got a deep chest cold and it lasted only 2 days this week--it is totally gone (echinacea helps too)! I am trying very hard to keep similar topics on the same thread, it sounds like you are too. When I go to braintalk they are pretty good about this and it really helps with research. I just wish their were more research links on this topic, but things like efgh's braintalk thread at least contribute anecdotally, which helps. Yes, an important aspect is making it livable to the child. As I have mentioned previously, having an active friend made a huge difference for my son. And he can still vegetate with CD's and drawing/comic books/crafts/whatever--and even some skateboard fiction books. Claire
  11. Hi Jean, Can you possibly post here (for newcomers with similar issues, I think threads are helpful)--whether you have noticed improvement in your child from no TV/computer for two months (either positive or negative--it is good anecdotal feedback). Does he still get computer at school? How often? Claire
  12. efgh, Someone showed me that you can look at an old post, click right above it on the 'edit' button to make changes. I used to do like you do, where I would think of question/comment part two and have to post a new post. This is definitely easier... Also, Bonnie Grimwald (look through the archives here) has the only 'ready made vitamin' sort of for TA. Some people tried Becalmed. The others buy individual supplements. Claire
  13. efgh, This was just an individual's comment, not a published link. This is why it is so important to read the source material and not just rely on individuals. All of my sources are on photosensitive epilepsy (internet), and Doris Rapp on ADD (Is this your child's world series). I have yet to find anything published on flicker and tics (fluorescent lights, TV/computer, all have flicker), which is why I posted my thread here--to get more information. I am convinced of the correlation for my son, but I can't speak for others. Thanks for the link, by the way! I think people are underestimating the TV as a "they are relaxing, so they tic". I think it is the flicker, and I sure wish some neurologist would do a study where they EEGs during TV exposure for kids with tics. And one where they eliminate TV for a month and see what happens to those kids whose parents have noticed that they tic during TV. Claire
  14. Full spectrum light bulbs. At long last, I ordered these, got them in the mail and am putting them in every room. We have a ton of lights! So we will see how it goes. I wish I could get these lamps for his classroom and do our own mini-experiment... I have heard that they sell long full spectrum fluorescent tubes. We have a tall garage that our son plays basketball in with fluorescent lights (which always seem to flicker, because they aren't well protected yet and get hit by stray rubber balls). Anyway, does anyone think that fluorescent full spectrum bulbs have value over normal fluorescent bulbs? Alternatively, are their other suitable fixtures we could replace them with for the garage using full spectrum bulbs that still give off enough light? I hate to even have him play there at night due to the flicker, and we just cleared the area again, so this is now an option. During the day we open the garage door. Claire ps He doesn't use the Irlen that often at home--almost never. But he just asked me today about trying them out at school. A girl he knows is doing this too, so I think it will make it a non-issue. I gave them out during a math test, and all the kids wanted one. I think his school has more glare--with the fluorescent lights. pps He came home wired a few days ago (3 hours to get to sleep--long even for him, though no tics), and later I found out that his teacher gave him the 'job' of turning off all 6 computers, bummer.
  15. Jennifer, I will try this number. Since it is such a strong trigger, and the diet changes don't seem to eliminate the trigger for him. I am awaiting my son's fatty acid tests also before doing fish oil or whatever his doctor concludes from it. I will check out Sheila's post, thanks for the notice. Re the homeschooling, so THAT explains how you got your kids to modify their eating so well!! As I have posted, our vacation eating is great, school is the biggest challenge (friend's lunches, peer pressure to have a soda). It reminds me of my single days when I didn't drink (never liked the flavor!). I got sooo much pressure to drink. I finally always had a glass of icewater with a lemon twist in it! Anyway, I did homeschooling for 6 weeks when he was in grade 2 (different reasons), and I flunked out as his teacher. He is an only child and was bored to tears with me. I have good friends who are quite successful with it--they have quite a network. Anyway, I am convinced that your approach to removing imbalances, building the underlying immune system is key to my son also. Especially now that I know he has allergies and thus likely some immune issues. Claire
  16. Jean/Jennifer Jean When my son was getting tics from computer (ie when he still had them), he got tics from playing the piano also!!! We had to stop it also. I don't have the mold info yet, I am working on that (between work deadlines), and will let you know. Jennifer, Did you just now start the fishoil? I ask because of the Omega 3 in it and whether it would have messed up the 3/6 ratio. Claire.
  17. Jean/efgh Jean, how long with no TV/computer--do you notice any results at this time, either "no change' or improvement (hard to imagine it would ever make it worse! Jean/efgh It is just that kind of intense debate on the ratio of Omega3 vs Omega 6 ratios that made me decide to get my son a fatty acid test before proceeding, even though both are in my fridge. According to Jennifer, Dr. Kane said that for many kids, the Omega 6's must be in balance before starting the Omega 3's--thus the body bio formula. Well, how can you know if your child's is or isn't--Jennifer did some testing as I understand it--in any case, this is anecdotal, and wouldn't apply to everyone. If that were the case, my son having zero tics from no computer or TV would apply to everyone. Jennifer raised my awareness on this and my gut says that fatty acids are a factor for my son. I don't like experimenting on him, when so many think the improper solution can actually be bad for them. I am even afraid of the fish oils, after what my doctor said about pcb's. I am happy that he has done the research. Though getting fish oil into my son (he won't swallow) will be a major challenge, I suspect that the flavor is fishy? As to just ignoring the situation, certainly not letting your son have a clue that you notice is important. When my son had them, pointing them out was torture Just to note, since that lip biting tic for 5-6 days after the movie, my son is back to being tic-free. ie it is still just the computer stimulus. The carpet reaction when we were visiting wasn't tics, it was fears. I think I told you that since we put in the air filter, they are almost eliminated, and I don't think it is coincidence. Plus we found black mold in the beams upstairs (topical only thank goodness), and of all places, I think in our air filter. It had a second filter we didn't know existed. So for 3 years of cleaning the other filter, this one was circulating dusty mold! My husband and I sleep with an air filter, which may have helped us. I am still trying to get a mold specialist in, but I am super hopeful! Claire
  18. Hi Maretts, Please tell me about the beewax for hardwood? We are going to have oak hardwood floor put in upstairs next week, and 2 weeks from then, the coating. Is beeswax a non-toxic coating. If you read Doris Rapp, you will see that 6 months is not enough for the carpeting to be okay, if it was a problem. Worse, is that if the exposure continues, they can develop a sort of supersensitivity to it over time. I know this is worst case scenario, but it is food for thought. Claire
  19. Hi Maretts, I HATE carpets! when we stayed somewhere with carpets, my son really reacted. It was like night and day. Robins son had a reaction to them too I believe. My EM doctor thinks they are so bad also (as does Doris Rapp) except oriental wool area rugs carpets. Doris Rapp's book discusses places to analyze your carpets. Can you go somewhere without carpets for a week--it often takes a week to notice some improvement. You didn't say his age. Or... Do you use an air filter? Try vacuuming his room really well with a dust-free vacuum like an Oreck, and running the air filter all night and keeping him outside all day. Hardwood isn't a bad investment, if you can afford it--definitely if you uncover evidence that carpet is bad for your own son. Claire
  20. Thanks Angelica. I tried 5 HTP with my son twice and both times he had a bad reaction (very very wired and uncomfortable). Claire.
  21. Thanks kpd, I have heard that stevia has a strong taste. My son is sooooooooo taste sensitive. Actually, we had used sunflower seeds in a blender, then made smoothies and he could still taste the sunflower--when none of us could! And he didn't know I had used the blender that way, and he named the taste exactly. So I think he really does taste more. I have read that picky eaters often really do have more taste buds on their tongues... Is xylitol an alcohol sugar like malitol? Is one more for cooking? I had never heard of it thanks. Claire
  22. deleted by Claire
  23. Jeff, Do your kids have a reaction to the Feingold salicyte foods too, or just the artificial stuff? What about artificial sweeteners such as maltitol and sucralose (I know that Nutrasweet and Sacharine are no-no's). I was thinking of trying Stevia. My son just gets a bit wired with sugar. (no tics) How do they deal with 'feeling different' at school. I think my son could care less about it when he is with us--we always avoided package junk anyway. At school, he just doesn't want to feel different. I offered to send him with a different treat, but it isn't the treat--it is feeling different. I realize that having tics would be feeling even more 'different', but how do you deal with the issues We have never noticed tics from the artificial stuff for him, just the computer, and his EM doctor said to proceed, so I let him have it at school. Also, he has never had sodas, but gets teased about this. I won't let him have caffeinated sodas, but are there any that are okay on Feingold? I have the program, but have misplaced the food list--I never checked the sodas because they didn't apply to us! Claire
  24. deleted by Claire
  25. deleted by Claire
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