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  1. Again here. So recently we had very bad time. DS bahaves badly. 3 days ago he has got rash/blisters on his face around mouth. Today will be 6th day of fever. Moreover - I have similar problems. Everything looks like Strep Throat. His throat is in much better condition than mine, but still looks bad. As bad as he is sick as bad he behaves. I think it will finish with abx again...
  2. We have recently similar issue with our 4,5 yo DS. He started tapping in November when on antibiotics - it is perfeclty sure that it was caused by antibiotics (Cedax - Ceftibutenum - third-generation cephalosporin). He had badly sore throat for 2 weeks and we were forced by situation and pediatrician as well to give this damn abx. Abx boosted his language re-gaining, so there was also good side of this. I am sure he is able to control this behaviour, but it is very very hard to him. At the very beggining I thought it is Candida issue (maybe it still is) and started raising probios amount and then added some antifungals and so on. There were several days, when this behaviour diminished a little bit, but recently it becomes as bad as never. When working at the table or just one-to-one looks like he can control it and not tap, but when even little free while occurs - he starts again. From September he has runny nose. There was some little break, but I am not sure if he was better during them or not. Last week he had very high fever (once) caused probably by ear - he started to complain on aching ear. We were at laryngologists two weeks ago and he said that there is something, but not so much... (honestly - I have no strength to talk to the doctors anymore - they are so much dumb). We're gonna go to another one (recommended by techinician from lab I used to check urine) in the beggining of April. Apart of that he started developing himself much better than before - abx boosted something, what was blocking him (Morganella Morganii twice in urine and non-present last time). Please explain if your children CAN control their tics or not. I am not sure as well as author of this topic if these bahaviour are just stimming or they are tics. Do you have any suggestions? What to check and how?
  3. So, obviously we have this bacteria again :/ Antibiogram we've got says it is sensitive to: amikacin Trimetoprim/Sulfametaksazol cefotaxim ciprofloxacin (of course) gentamycin tobramycin Looking at the descriptions only these three can be give orally: Trimetoprim/Sulfametaksazol cefotaxim ciprofloxacin (of course) Reading about cipro - I am very very discouraged to try it. Cefotaxim - we already used (Cedax), Trimetoprim/Sulfametaksazol is Bactrim. Not sure what to do. We have scheduled visit at urologists, but it will take moths. Recenty I read about boy in Senegal who was neuro issues caused by this bacteria: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20431984 Looks like Cefalosporins 3rd-gen (preferably 4th gen, but only IV are available) + gentamycin are very helpful. But... I read about this damn gentamycin - some children are deaf after this. What to do?
  4. Hello, I am starting new topic to ask about this antibiotic, since you - members of this board - know probably most about antibiotics from all over the boards I know. So, in my son's urine in good lab Morganella Morganii was found. We're trying ot treat it with cephalosporins III-rd gen (Cedax). Don't know if successful - his urine is again in lab, but we have nice gains during the treatment. After the treatment his behaviour became much worse than was before. Probably becteria has not been distincted. Our DAN said that it would be best to treat it with ciprofloxacin. I read about this antibiotics and data looks horrible. What would you say about it? Is it safe to give it to 3.11 yo child wich weight is ~29lbs (13,5kg)?
  5. Looks like something (precognition?) redirected me here. airial95 - thanks for you post. Unfortunately here in PL everybody looks at us as we were stupid, when we're assuring them that he was talking. Obviously, regardless of fatcs doctors are smarter and know more about our son than us. Recently we were talking with my wife about her health issues in her childhood. She was shaking her hands when excited. She's doing it now as well and she doesn't know about this! She said, that when she was a child she was at hospital for long and hard antibiotics treatment, because she had many many times exceeded ASO in blood. Bingo! I started to look into my son's Organix tests results and, according to my knowledge, Amy Yasko's book and my understanding if it, he is poisoned with aluminum. Aluminum is elevated when child has bacterial or streptococcus infection. It matches! We're on metronidazol (Flagyl) treatment right now. Will see the results. Furthermore my son has some flu-like infection for more than month already. He has got another antibiotic - it is for streps as well. We'll see what happen. I wonder why doctors are so stupid and not checked ASO marker in my son's blookd after he was born. My wife had strep infection during all pregnancy. Obviously, she was treated with nystatine, but... there still was some probability that my son got this damn strep. I hope, I will post here some optimistic news next time.
  6. We have refferal to the hospital to check EEG and MRI. Probably some other thing, like metabilism will be checked there as well. If not we have another refferal and we're doing these tests, I mentioned before (Organix, Comprehensive Stool Analysis). Regarding allergies - do you know really good tests for that? We have done Food Detective, but seems it doesn't cover all allergenes (covers only 46) to which my son is exposed, because he still has some skin issues, even after all allergenes, detected by Food Detecitive were elimiated. I thing about ImmuPro300, but we would need to take blood from his vain, what is pretty stressful.
  7. Yes, we have DAN! doctor and we're waiting for tests results. I am from Poland, as you mentioned. The lyme hypotesis is very probable. Month ealier before he had these diarrheas we were on vacation by the polish (Baltic) sea. On the way we went to wife's family and it was first time, when Dawid saw wife's aunt, which was very sick then. Without any symptoms we continued traveling by the sea. When we were on place he has got very high fever. After unsuccessful treatment we returned back to the wife's family for several days. He has got antibiotic and the treatment was quite long - 7 days. After he was cured we didn't see any problems with him. After a month he has got these damn diarrheas and just after diarrheas ended - vaccination (PRIORIX), but still we didn't see change. It was autumn 2010. On spring 2011 he has got another vaccination - Infanrix Hexa, wife's aunt went to us. It was march. May didin't bring any changes, at least we didn't see anyting. At the beginning of June something has changed. He started to be pensive, faraway. After that we were on another vacation, where he was more present and aware. When returned back, we noticed he speaks less. The change was on spring/summer 2011. Wife's aunt and her husband are foresters. Lyme is their occupational disease. We were suspecting lyme, but symptoms described in internet are different. But symptoms described are mostly related to adults. Obviously, it looks like I am acting a detective now, but I do not believe it could be normal behaviour that child loses his abilities, this process wasn't spectacular, but slowly, so it looks like some chronic disease. Moreover my son's behaviour doesn't match austism perfectly. And another thing is that, according to J. McCandless - parent need to be partner in treatment for DAN doctor, so I am looking for possibilities to cure my son.
  8. Hello I am very new to this forum. I am looking for some answers regarding my son's problems. Probably, like other parents. We're facing really big problem with our son. Will describe shortly what's state for today, why I am writing here and what happened before problems occured. My son is now 3,5 years old. We're diagnosing ASD right now. But, here in Poland this diagnosis could take even more than year, especially, that his state/behaviour is uncommon. Problems he has: - completely regressed speech - he speaks nothing. Sometimes says 'nie' (no in PL) - walking on his fingers - hands waving - brain fog - some sensoric issues - anxious, scared especially when children cries. We have younger son, which is 6 almost 6 months now, and when he cries older son is very, very scared - isolated, but looking at children - still asking for same things (by showing with his finger) - for 100% liver problems - big belly, but thin legs and hands. Easily visible ribs - emotional liability (he laughs and after a while cries), very easily irritating - ADHD - especially recently he started to be very very hiperactive. Sometimes he focuses for a longer, for example with puzzles - sensory activities - these walkin on fingers, loud sounds, baby crying - developmental regression - very much. He was speaking. He knew at least 13 words and set them into simple phrases. Now he is unable to say a word. He knew lot of animals - now only few, I would say. - sleep and night time difficulties - he has very huge problem with falling asleep. I do remember period in time, when he was awakening and crying for a long time. It was strange, because he was like still sleeping - didn't contact. - urinary frequency at a day: would say - yes. It is very strange that he pisses quite often, but doesn't drink much. He also makes a pile very often (4-5 a day, but stool is quite good). ----- Why I am writing here? Because we have a problem and looking for solution/origin. That's obvious, but why I suspect PANDAS or something similar? Becuase my son in november 2012 had sore throat and was treated with antibiotics - ampicilin. Of cours, our problems didn't start from november 2012, but we're dating it somewhere at spring/summer 2011. Will write why below. Anyway, after this treatment he started to be more communicative. After long period of time he started to talk something, at least trying to talk (he said very, very nicely 'nie' - 'no' in PL for my question if he finish eating an apple or not. It was so aware and nice with shaking his head correctly). He was much less hyperactive and focused. It looked like he is returning back. Now situation is worse, than before. Maybe the same. This is the reason, why I am writing here. ----- Some history. My son was developing himself perfectly. He is preterm born (3 weeks) and was very little 2510g. We were so happy up to his 18-20 month of year, that he doesn't wait and develops so quickly and smoothly. He was early-babbling, turning in his stomach, crawling on his four, babbling, standing, walking sooner than his other children. The reggression was after infection or vaccination. We don't know - it was really slowly and discrete. When we compare his speech from 18 and 30 months of life we can see dramatic difference, but it is quite big range of time. We were pointing our doubts to the doctors, but they always was saying that it is temporary behaviour or kids just behaves like this. He had really lot of vaccinations too. But he had also very, very strange diarrheas when he was 13 months old. These diarrheas were investigating in our biggest polish children medical center (epic fail) without any conclusion. We're not sure of the regression didn't start from here (diarrheas). These diarrheas was very enigmatic and the only one clue about them is my wife's aunt. She is only one connection between our son and other child - her granddaughter which also had such enigmatic diarrheas, at least two times when she was at hospital with this. The times of occurence of these diarrheas could be bigger, but we're not sure how many times she had it. It can be caused by higher contact of the granddaughter with her grandma, my son sow my wife's aunt only two times in life - first month before diarrheas, and second... in the spring 2011, just after what the regression became really visible. My wife'e aunt up to today hasn't cured this issue - she has never finishing rhinitis, some skin issues, headaches and much more. This is reason, why I am looking for solution here. ----- What from my son's behaviour doesn't match ASD: - he has perfect eye-contact - he smiles very often - loves to be with his parents, grandmas and other people, thet he knows - no other ASD-like behaviours - does not fear new places and people - just stays beside - he is aware of himself. Answers with his finger, when I am asking where's my son - it makes difference to him if we left room or not - he point everything and questions with his finger ----- Could you please tell me if it could be PANDAS? What to do to check that?
  9. Hello I am very new to this forum. I am looking for some answers regarding my son's problems. Probably, like other parents. We're facing really big problem with our son. Will describe shortly what's state for today, why I am writing here and what happened before problems occured. My son is now 3,5 years old. We're diagnosing ASD right now. But, here in Poland this diagnosis could take even more than year, especially, that his state/behaviour is uncommon. Problems he has: - completely regressed speech - he speaks nothing. Sometimes says 'nie' (no in PL) - walking on his fingers - hands waving - brain fog - some sensoric issues - anxious, scared especially when children cries. We have younger son, which is 6 almost 6 months now, and when he cries older son is very, very scared - isolated, but looking at children - still asking for same things (by showing with his finger) - for 100% liver problems - big belly, but thin legs and hands. Easily visible ribs - emotional liability (he laughs and after a while cries), very easily irritating - ADHD - especially recently he started to be very very hiperactive. Sometimes he focuses for a longer, for example with puzzles - sensory activities - these walkin on fingers, loud sounds, baby crying - developmental regression - very much. He was speaking. He knew at least 13 words and set them into simple phrases. Now he is unable to say a word. He knew lot of animals - now only few, I would say. - sleep and night time difficulties - he has very huge problem with falling asleep. I do remember period in time, when he was awakening and crying for a long time. It was strange, because he was like still sleeping - didn't contact. - urinary frequency at a day: would say - yes. It is very strange that he pisses quite often, but doesn't drink much. He also makes a pile very often (4-5 a day, but stool is quite good). ----- Why I am writing here? Because we have a problem and looking for solution/origin. That's obvious, but why I suspect PANDAS or something similar? Becuase my son in november 2012 had sore throat and was treated with antibiotics - ampicilin. Of cours, our problems didn't start from november 2012, but we're dating it somewhere at spring/summer 2011. Will write why below. Anyway, after this treatment he started to be more communicative. After long period of time he started to talk something, at least trying to talk (he said very, very nicely 'nie' - 'no' in PL for my question if he finish eating an apple or not. It was so aware and nice with shaking his head correctly). He was much less hyperactive and focused. It looked like he is returning back. Now situation is worse, than before. Maybe the same. This is the reason, why I am writing here. ----- Some history. My son was developing himself perfectly. He is preterm born (3 weeks) and was very little 2510g. We were so happy up to his 18-20 month of year, that he doesn't wait and develops so quickly and smoothly. He was early-babbling, turning in his stomach, crawling on his four, babbling, standing, walking sooner than his other children. The reggression was after infection or vaccination. We don't know - it was really slowly and discrete. When we compare his speech from 18 and 30 months of life we can see dramatic difference, but it is quite big range of time. We were pointing our doubts to the doctors, but they always was saying that it is temporary behaviour or kids just behaves like this. He had really lot of vaccinations too. But he had also very, very strange diarrheas when he was 13 months old. These diarrheas were investigating in our biggest polish children medical center (epic fail) without any conclusion. We're not sure of the regression didn't start from here (diarrheas). These diarrheas was very enigmatic and the only one clue about them is my wife's aunt. She is only one connection between our son and other child - her granddaughter which also had such enigmatic diarrheas, at least two times when she was at hospital with this. The times of occurence of these diarrheas could be bigger, but we're not sure how many times she had it. It can be caused by higher contact of the granddaughter with her grandma, my son sow my wife's aunt only two times in life - first month before diarrheas, and second... in the spring 2011, just after what the regression became really visible. My wife'e aunt up to today hasn't cured this issue - she has never finishing rhinitis, some skin issues, headaches and much more. This is reason, why I am looking for solution here. ----- What from my son's behaviour doesn't match ASD: - he has perfect eye-contact - he smiles very often - loves to be with his parents, grandmas and other people, thet he knows - no other ASD-like behaviours - does not fear new places and people - just stays beside ----- Could you please tell me if it could be PANDAS? What to do to check that?
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