T. Anna he will get there. We are still on our road to recovery, but have come miles in just 6 months. In January of this year my DD10 was flipping mattresses, punching the shower door hiding in the closet and would walk through the house screaming, throwing everything in site against the wall. She has PANS and is being treated for multiple infections, Lyme and co-infections. She has missed the school year.
This past weekend she was a flower girl in a wedding. I stressed about the day for weeks prior, wondering if she could do it (thinking there's no way). I'm so proud to say that she was able to have her hair done and wear a uncomfortable dress all day, with minimal complaining. This is a girl who wouldn't wear certain materials or let me come near her with a brush. She danced and played with her cousins until 10:30pm. We paid the price the next day (actually still are paying it), but it was worth every minute.