I stumbled across this as a possible trigger for my son ..tics and rages
Someone on this board planted the seed in my head for me
We have
Dimmer switches
Wireless router box is always on
Cordless phones
Cell phones
In my sons room where he tics as soon as his little head hits the pillow !
1 foot away from his bed ...air purifier, humidifier plugged in, and 4 feet on the other side of the room, a light and baby monitor plugged in!
In the car! Satellite Sirius radio !
He only tics at the dinner table, car, and bedroom ! The dinner table is 3 feet from the chord less phone and wireless router!
Could I have stumbled across something huge here?
I turned the radio off in the car all day and no tics...In the car
Unplugged everything in his room ...no tics
Technology could be hurting my son, I would have never guessed it
Would love to hear more I'm slowly educating myself..
His tics are sooo bad in the winter and I thought dust, vitamin d deficiency, winter....inside more ! He is outside all the time in spring, summer and fall and his tics are come and go.... But if he is inside all the time around all this stuff it makes sense !
We have a newer car and after reading the link above, I want to get rid of it now