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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2017 in all areas

  1. bobh

    Glutamate and Pandas

    I don't pretend to understand it, but there seems to be a link between phosphatidylcholine and glutamate (where one inhibits some of the action of the other). A search of this forum for posts with both these items comes up empty, so I am presuming that phosphatidylcholine as another possible antidote to "glutamate storms" has not been explored in this forum, though both are well-commented on separately. I mention only because our PANS son had an improvement on a high dose (3000mg/day) of phosphatidylcholine over the last several months. We trialed on and off it several times, and I posted some discussion and our results at the end of an old thread here: http://latitudes.org/forums/topic/18965-phosphatidylcholine/#comment-186762 .
    1 point
  2. 4Nikki

    Glutamate and Pandas

    I don't quite understand the in numbers and what they do but depending on what protein and anti stuff are the build up in the basil ganglia can cause different symptoms. DD's pandas doc. Said with the three d2, lyso & kam being out of range her tics and rage makes sense as does her reaction to ibuprofen, benadryl and pseud. Mitochondrial support supplements have greatly reduced her symptoms. The big one being out of control rage. From every day to once or twice in a month is a big improvement. No gluten and limited sugar.
    1 point
  3. Ladymavs

    Dr. Rao in Texas

    We have seen Dr Rao since our onset back in late 2013. He is very knowledgeable on PANS/PANDAS and spends a great deal of time with patients. This being said, you often have to wait a long time to be seen in the patient room. However, as long as he is spending time with us and being thorough (which he does), I dont' have an issue. Just be prepared to wait or plan to get an early appt in the morning. The staff is helpful, especially Lori, and we have been pleased so far.
    1 point
  4. Our DD had all the clinical symptoms of pandas/pans. Evey doctor she has seen concluded that her symptoms were pathological and not behavioural. She was diagnosed in her 4th month by her PCP as having an unknown autoimmune illness. We didn't care what the doctors called her illness as long as that could treat it/manage it. Along with the diagnosis comes insurance and/or social services funds. We moved from southern California to Washington state in 2013 almost 2 years after the onset with no pandas diagnosis. Dd's diagnosis of pandas came from her physiatrist at Seattle childrens he ordered the Cunningham panel as a confirmation of the diagnosis so he could refer us to a pandas specialist. The Cunningham panel to diagnose pandas/pans provides evidence for the more expensive ivig and plasmapheresis treatments which can be used in part to get insurance to pay the bill. The majority of the plethora of blood tests ordered by various doctors to find the causes of dd's symptoms, be it positive and negative got us nowhere toward being able to manage dd's symptoms. The history of tests does help rule out many co-ailments. A second panel would not do us much good, unless DD's symptoms changed. We know that dd needs mitochondrial support and her neurologist is ordering a mitochondrial panel so that we can adjust the supplements according. Without the Cunningham panel, we wouldn't be where we are today in managing and treating dd's symptoms. Her pandas specialist has helped us tremendously reducing the intensity of DD's symptoms.
    1 point
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