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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Hello, My son has been suffering with PANS/PANDAS since age 8. He is now 14. He was diagnosed at age 11 by a PANDAS doctor after a few years of having standard mental health treatment without success. After two years of antibiotics he received IVIG and six week post-IVIG became significantly worse. Our doctor had never seen this before. We called Dr. K. in Chicago who said my son probably still had strep in his tonsils. We were unable to get a doctor to remove his tonsils based on the PANDAS diagnosis alone. One ENT gave him clindamycin which has a history of getting into tonsils better. His PANDAS doctor then ordered the Cunninham Panel which was negative. My son did not want to participate in their study. We were left with returning to conventional neurology for the tourette symptoms and psychiatry for the OCD. A new neurologist/psychiatrist (a conventional mainstream doctor) heard our story and thought we should try the IVIG again. We did a second round and my son improved greatly then after the third round he's like his old self (as much as I can remember him after all these years.) It feels like a miracle to me. Although he's not 100% better it's remarkable enough for everyone in his life to notice. I'm not sure what helped this time. Maybe the clindamycin before the IVIG? Do not give up based on a Cunningham Panel. It is still experimental. I was crying when the doctor told me it was negative and IVIG would not work for my son. I was certain it was PANDAS. They (Cunningham) are still looking for markers and the current panel does not cover all possible markers which is why they ask families to participate in the research to find new markers. If I had turned down the offer for more IVIG based on the other doctor's recommendation from the results of the Cunningham Panel my son would not be on his way back to wholeness today. His tics are almost completely gone after years of severe tics and anxiety is very low. Almost normal. Of course after years of being in the grips of PANDAS my son has much catching up to do with peers. We still have much healing to do. I'm not sure he will ever catch up but at least now he has a chance. Good luck to everyone. Eva
    1 point
  2. Hi July, 40 mg seems like it could be a bit low for a burst for a 16 y/o. When I did my first steroid burst, it was 50 mg for five days, and I weighed 99 lbs. I’ve also done steroid tapers, and those usually started at 60 mg. Every one is different, though. That first time I did a five-day burst, I saw improvement on the third day. I’ve had other flares when it took a few days, and still others when I improved within a day on steroids. There have also been a few when the steroids didn’t help at all, but that was when I had infections that I didn’t know about. If there’s an active infection, it’s entirely possible that the steroids will either not work, or they’ll make him worse. Have you looked into Lyme disease through Igenex testing yet? It’s so important to treat Lyme if it’s there—otherwise, a lot of the PANS treatments won’t have their full effect. Does he still have his tonsils/adenoids? Infections can hide there, too, and antibiotics won’t reach them.
    1 point
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