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Hi all, my son suddenly started with low vocal tics during the middle of last school year. He was then 7. I spoke with a mom friend and she said that is not uncommon for kids that age. I didn't worry too much again until they changed to an almost constant 'eye-blinking'. On top of all this, he started with various fears, some of which don't make any sense and it keeps him from going into the bathroom alone, his bedroom, and the school bathroom. Before going to a Dr., I found this forum and since he was allergic to cows milk as a baby, I took him off of that in every form. No difference. One day, my husband and I accidently over did the peanut butter with some for breakfast, lunch and snack. He tic'd like crazy that day. On a side note, he just developed the cold that I had which maybe accounts for the worseing of symptoms. Anyway, we took him to our pediatricia who listened and thought it sounded like Pandas. She ordered all the blood test I had written down from this forum and had them run. She then referred me to a pediatric neurologist who said he couldn't have Pandas since he didn't have any signs of strep infection now or in the past. I remember when all this started, it was not too soon after my daughter developed strep. In looking at his lab results, most are lower than the reference value they placed beside it but no flags were noted. One Serotype (3) was over 3 times higher than the reference value but it was not flagged. What else do I need to look for and what type of Dr. show I see now? Not too many to choose from around here but I will drive anywhere to help!


I know Dr. Tanya Murphy is in St. Petersburg, FL. Also, my son didn't have any strep symptpms, but his pedi had just heard of PANDAS (2004 when this nightmare started) and did a strep test. My son had a + culture and elevated ASO. Your son could have had strep then without any symptoms like so many kids here. His ASO could have gone back to normal and something else is triggering an exacerbation. My son also had Mycoplasma Pneu. without any symptoms.


Haven't found a doctor yet.... My son was treated by Dr. Murphy at the Rothman Center in St. Pete's All Children's Hospital. Worth the drive. Feel free to PM with any questions. Central Florida lacks good doctors... urgh...

We're seeing a new doctor, infectious disease, this morning at Nemours Children Hospital. Our aim is Mycoplasma Infection. I have my folder of research, bloodwork and history.... a sleepless night thinking about the appointment.


Thank you both....I called Dr. Murphy's office and we could get in to see her in September which is fine but it seems she doesn't take insurance, or ours anyway. But if this continues, we will make an appt. anyway. I got a copy of his lab results and don't think he has elevated titers, the ASO was 127 IU/mL and the Anti DNase was 221 U/mL. But his symptoms started early 2010. Another test was run; Pneumoniae IgG Ab. 23 Serotypes. One of these numbers was very high compared to the reference value but it wasn't flagged. Any ideas?





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