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ok so yesterday went good except for the few episodes in the afternoon. today we get to school and they want to put her in special ed. my child is the SMARTEST child in the entire 6th grade and because ONE teacher complains they want to do this? I DON'T THINK SO!


Mandy --


First, let me say that I have no idea what occurred yesterday that made the teacher reach for the "Special Ed" option. Was your DD disruptive? Or did she have a lot of trouble staying under control or managing anxiety? Was the school informed before you arrived of your DD's diagnosis and potential need for some accommodations? Had you met the teacher before school began and given her the lowdown?


Maybe this is just a case of "shell-shock" where the stage wasn't entirely set for your DD's first day in school. Or maybe this teacher does not feel prepared for any "special cases," either your DD or anyone else's. That being said, if your DD does need some accommodations (does she have a 504 Plan, perhaps?), I would really advise you not to dismiss "Special Ed" out of hand based on the title alone.


I think as parents, our first response to Special Ed is "Heck, no!" A lot of my prejudice about it stemmed from my memories of what Special Ed was like when I was in school . . . what kind of kids were there, what the situation was like, etc. Also, like you, I knew my DS to be very intelligent; in fact, prior to this last exacerbation, he had been in the school's Gifted Program. So I just couldn't see how Special Ed could accommodate his academic level, or how it would add anything or bring anything to the table in terms of his PANDAS/OCD.


But here's the thing. Today's Special Ed isn't like it used to be when we were kids. Today's Special Ed in the mainstream school isn't a room full of kids with profound physical, health or even mental disabilities; most districts now have entire off-site classrooms for those more profound cases. Today's Special Ed class is more likely to have 3 or 4 ADD or ADHD kids in it, maybe a couple of ODD kids, a kid with dyslexia, a kid with high-functioning autism, a kid with Aspberger and, in our case, my PANDAS/OCD kid.


And he doesn't sit in this Special Ed class all day. He's in the regular cirriculum, and even attends his Gifted Education classes, just as he did before his Special Ed designation and the implementation of the IEP that technically put him under the purview of the Special Ed department. All of his academic and social needs are met, and 90% of the kids in the school have no idea he has anything to do with the Special Ed department whatsoever.


BUT . . . and for my DS, that "but" is a huge one . . . his IEP gives him a caseworker on-site that he can go to when he needs a shoulder to lean on or someone to help him chill out. This caseworker also helps him navigate his way with other teachers who are more ignorant about DS's condition and less accommodating. That IEP also gives him one class period each day where he can go to the caseworker's room and catch up on any classwork he fell behind in, or take a test orally instead of written, or get a head start on his homework. It also gives him two weekly sessions with the school social worker, therapy of sorts and, once again, a chance to decompress during the day.


So, all that's to say, I have no idea if your DD is really a candidate for or would benefit from being part of your school's Special Ed program. I just want you to know that a) it isn't the stigmatizing situation we knew as kids, and B) it does have some benefits for some kids, without removing all the opportunities they should have for stretching their academic and social wings.


Final note: the law guarantees each of our children the highest level of education possible, with the least restrictions possible. So, inside Special Ed or out of it, your DD is entitled to participate in every possible way that she can. You just may have to throw your weight around a little to make it happen!


Good luck!


well, the only thing that happened was her chest spasms, which is where she stops breathing and i breath in her mouth and she goes on her merry way...she was participating in class and so forth...I didnt mind the IEP, in fact I asked for it, but they want to put her in a class where she does sit all day with other kids and does not go to her regular classes. They feel that her chest spasms tramatize the other children. That is why I got so upset and so did she. In her school, its not mainstream special ed. It's one class with all the kids who are special needs and I feel that she doesnt need that at this time. I am serious when I say that if I put her in homeschool she would graduate at least two years before her class. Her school knew about this before hand and let her come. One teacher complained, and she has never had her before and I guess she didnt want to deal with her.


Mandy, does your daughter have different teachers for each class? If that teacher is going to have such an attitude, perhaps it is best to try to switch that teacher...and then report her. If you are strong and you fight it, I don't think they will "win" and put her in special ed. Special ed isn't for a med issue like this. The more I think about it, the more mad I get!


Mandy, does your daughter have different teachers for each class? If that teacher is going to have such an attitude, perhaps it is best to try to switch that teacher...and then report her. If you are strong and you fight it, I don't think they will "win" and put her in special ed. Special ed isn't for a med issue like this. The more I think about it, the more mad I get!


She has like 4 different teachers and this one is the only one who has said anything about it...and yea i am mad as heck too! the super, counselor and this teacher attacked me about it this morning. and thing is, its not like i asked them to do anything for her. I was there with her taking care of her if she needed me. i am so frustrated about this. i did home bound the entire last year with her, without a single piece of help from them and now this...ugh


All 3 of them told you special ed? Really? Wow! And she had no behavior problems? maybe they need to be reminded that even if a child qualifies as needing special ed, they are suppose to try their best to keep them in the classroom with the rest of the kids. Maybe start researching for a district contact now. Were you able to speak to the super in private? I'm sorry you're having to deal with this ignorance.



Mandy, does your daughter have different teachers for each class? If that teacher is going to have such an attitude, perhaps it is best to try to switch that teacher...and then report her. If you are strong and you fight it, I don't think they will "win" and put her in special ed. Special ed isn't for a med issue like this. The more I think about it, the more mad I get!


She has like 4 different teachers and this one is the only one who has said anything about it...and yea i am mad as heck too! the super, counselor and this teacher attacked me about it this morning. and thing is, its not like i asked them to do anything for her. I was there with her taking care of her if she needed me. i am so frustrated about this. i did home bound the entire last year with her, without a single piece of help from them and now this...ugh


All 3 of them told you special ed? Really? Wow! And she had no behavior problems? maybe they need to be reminded that even if a child qualifies as needing special ed, they are suppose to try their best to keep them in the classroom with the rest of the kids. Maybe start researching for a district contact now. Were you able to speak to the super in private? I'm sorry you're having to deal with this ignorance.



Mandy, does your daughter have different teachers for each class? If that teacher is going to have such an attitude, perhaps it is best to try to switch that teacher...and then report her. If you are strong and you fight it, I don't think they will "win" and put her in special ed. Special ed isn't for a med issue like this. The more I think about it, the more mad I get!


She has like 4 different teachers and this one is the only one who has said anything about it...and yea i am mad as heck too! the super, counselor and this teacher attacked me about it this morning. and thing is, its not like i asked them to do anything for her. I was there with her taking care of her if she needed me. i am so frustrated about this. i did home bound the entire last year with her, without a single piece of help from them and now this...ugh


no i havent talked to him alone yet. i was so mad i was waiting on my husband to go with me because i fly off the handle sometimes. and this would have been one of the times had i stayed there any longer. but yea i have been doing a little research tonight and my mother in law is a teacher in a different district so i called her to get her to speak to their super to see if this was even legitimate...


Wow, I hate these situations. They absolutely are not allowed to place any child in a self contained sped class based on the "other kids". SPED is only based on the needs of the individual student and if they are doing this to kids, they clearly are out of compliance w/ federal law.


They can't force this on you. But...they have numerous little subtle ways to make your child's life difficult (and yours) and even if investigated, they will dummy up the paperwork to make it look like you are they one with the problem. Shame on them- not only for their own intolerant ignorance, but for visiting this on all the students in the school. If the other students are truly uncomfortable with this, steps should be taken to help them learn, understand and accept. How in the world will the other students learn good social behavior with school staff modeling bullying behavior!


Wow, I hate these situations. They absolutely are not allowed to place any child in a self contained sped class based on the "other kids". SPED is only based on the needs of the individual student and if they are doing this to kids, they clearly are out of compliance w/ federal law.


They can't force this on you. But...they have numerous little subtle ways to make your child's life difficult (and yours) and even if investigated, they will dummy up the paperwork to make it look like you are they one with the problem. Shame on them- not only for their own intolerant ignorance, but for visiting this on all the students in the school. If the other students are truly uncomfortable with this, steps should be taken to help them learn, understand and accept. How in the world will the other students learn good social behavior with school staff modeling bullying behavior!



Exactly! They are trying to bully me and I am in no mood for it! I am so ready to take any steps i need to, to make them let her stay in her regular classes.


Mandy -


I am sorry that you are having a frustrating start to the school year. It is a horrible feeling when you believe that your child is not receiving the education he or she should.


If your daughter is going to be in special education, then the school has to go through specific procedures to develop the IEP (I was having trouble determining if your daughter has an IEP already). As part of the IEP process you have to be told of your right to Due Process. If there is anything you do not like about the IEP you have the right to challenge it. If you did not receive or do not have the due process information, you can probably find in on your State Education Department web site.


Your daughter has the right to a free and Appropriate public educaiton in the Least Restrictive Environment for her. The least restrictive environment is the general education classroom, and the school has an obligation to provide reasonable accommodations to keep children in that setting whenever possible.


It sounds like the school may be concerned about safety (or at least it sounds like they will tell you they are concerned about safety) and they do have a responsibility to keep your daughter and the other children safe. I am not sure what happens when your daughter has chest spasms, but it sounds like she requires the intervention of an adult at those times, and it sound like the adult would have to be trained in what to do. Is it something that might require a classroom aide that could be trained in how to handle it?


I am wondering if your situation may be similar to children with seizures, in that children with seizures have sudden, medical situations that require a knowledgeable adult to intervene and keep them safe. I cannot imagine a school putting a child in a classroom that is not educationally appropriate because the child had seizures.


You also have the right to obtain an advocate to work on your behalf, and this should be explained in the due process information from your State Education Department. It is doubtful that you will find an advocate who is familiar with PANDAS, but you may find one familiar with seizures or tourette syndrome (also considered by many to be disruptive to the classroom).


I hope you can nip this in the bud right now. You and your daughter deserve a very good school year. I've had some excellent years with my son and I've had one or two that were really just one struggle after another. I hope you can get this resolved.


Mandy, so sorry you are dealing with this! So sorry for your little girl too :( . I wish I knew something about schools and IEP's, etc...I know NOTHING so it would be very ignorant on my part to give you advice on this issue so the only thing I can tell you is to stick to your guns and don't give in! I hope you find the help you need to resolve this issue!!!


Of course a teacher doesn't just get to decide which child get special education. It's definitely not that simple. The teacher never should have approached you about it in that way....


I really would go in with a bit of compassion for the teacher rather than angry. I know that sounds crazy but it has got to be a very difficult situation for a teacher to have the same parent in the room on a daily basis. I mean my kids have pretty open classrooms and the teachers have always welcomed us in for anything but that is different than if we sat down every day and watched. I know fantastic teachers who would still be a bit rattled by this and whom it would take some getting used to for. I imagine it also can be difficult for some students as well. I would try it from the point of view of "I know this is an unusual situation and I understand it can be uncomfortable for you but...." Then you can be clear and direct about what you want and expect without attacking the teacher or writing it off as she just doesn't want to deal with your child.


I taught special ed and while I was confident in what I was doing in my classroom, it still made me a little nervous when parents were in (not for parties but while teaching)


Of course a teacher doesn't just get to decide which child get special education. It's definitely not that simple. The teacher never should have approached you about it in that way....


I really would go in with a bit of compassion for the teacher rather than angry. I know that sounds crazy but it has got to be a very difficult situation for a teacher to have the same parent in the room on a daily basis. I mean my kids have pretty open classrooms and the teachers have always welcomed us in for anything but that is different than if we sat down every day and watched. I know fantastic teachers who would still be a bit rattled by this and whom it would take some getting used to for. I imagine it also can be difficult for some students as well. I would try it from the point of view of "I know this is an unusual situation and I understand it can be uncomfortable for you but...." Then you can be clear and direct about what you want and expect without attacking the teacher or writing it off as she just doesn't want to deal with your child.


I taught special ed and while I was confident in what I was doing in my classroom, it still made me a little nervous when parents were in (not for parties but while teaching)



I am sure it does, but she has NO REASON to be in a special ed class where she cannot be with her friends. She is sick, not slow, not behavioral, but sick...I just cannot do that to her. We go for IVIG next week and I probably will do homebound until the nine weeks is up anyway, but the way they chose to come at me, does not fly right by me.


I didn't mean to suggest I thought she belonged in special ed or that it was ok for a teacher to react that way.... just was suggesting that it could be more out of fear than anything that the teacher responded that way. I know how nerve wracking observations can be and feeling like you are being observed every day when you are not used to it could just have her not knowing how to handle it. I am not defending her actions. Just if she realizes that it's not her being watched and that you are just there for your daughters safety it might put her more at ease.


I didn't mean to suggest I thought she belonged in special ed or that it was ok for a teacher to react that way.... just was suggesting that it could be more out of fear than anything that the teacher responded that way. I know how nerve wracking observations can be and feeling like you are being observed every day when you are not used to it could just have her not knowing how to handle it. I am not defending her actions. Just if she realizes that it's not her being watched and that you are just there for your daughters safety it might put her more at ease.



Yea i know, i just wanted to explain how they are acting to us. It's just crazy

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