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Singapore practitioners


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Hi there,

I can't remember who I promised this too! B)


But if you follow up this site it lists a couple of medical Dr's that do alternative stuff.


Hope it helps






go to referrals-, Aust/NZ and overseas and the list should come up for Singapore and Malaysia etc.

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Hello Ausclaire


I am from Singapore. Just want to thank you for the information and hope can find a good and reliable doctor here that believe in natural therapies.





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I made an enquiry to the Australian Collage of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. ACNEM

The reply gave me the above information and stated that the Drs listed have done the Accredited Nutritional courses. Even though they don't do specific Tourettes, if you phone and explain about this site, they may get the gist of what you want.


I personally don't have much faith in Drs natural or otherwise, but I understand that you need them to get the tests done.

Good luck.


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A few weeks ago I gave you Micheal Sichels email. I spoke to him today about some mercury detox stuff he got for my son, and I mentioned I had given his web address to someone in Singapore, and he emailed me the info on the seminar he is giving.


autism forum


Dont be put off by it being for autism. Some aspects of this and TS overlap. I have a copy of his book on "The alphabet kids" and it is a fascinating read. Some of the stuff about vaccinations is a bit scary, but neverthless, talks about testing and treatment protocol for heavy metals etc.



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