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My son will have IVIG in the morning. He will have it done all in one day(2g) I have prednisone but I do not know how much to give him or when. I know he is suppose to have plenty of fluids too. How much? What about the Advil. How much and when do I start. I wish my doctor would call me back. Starting to freak out.

My son will have IVIG in the morning. He will have it done all in one day(2g) I have prednisone but I do not know how much to give him or when. I know he is suppose to have plenty of fluids too. How much? What about the Advil. How much and when do I start. I wish my doctor would call me back. Starting to freak out.


Hi, we didn't do pred. with IVIG. We did 2gm/kg over 2 days. You could alternate doses of tylenol and advil in case of headache. We also gave benedryl throughout the 2 days and for a couple of days after. We didn't really do anything different with the fluids except encourage her to drink a bit more.


wow! that is a really big dose to do in one day - I hope they are doing it slowly for him. If I had it to do over, I would have done things differently to avoid the side effects we got after just .75 Day 1.


What we did: 8 bottles of water the day before IVIG, and 8 the day of IVIG. 150 mg Benadryl every 6 hours (3 doses), 400 mg every 6 hours, alternating with 2 Tylenol in between. Gave 40mg Prednisone upon appearance of severe migraine - unfortunately he was also nauseated and threw it up before it had a chance to help.


What I would have done differently: I would have insisted the doctor write orders for IV hydration before, during and after the IVIG.(didn't happen till the 2nd day when all the side effects showed up). I would have had him drink even MORE than 8 glasses. I would have given him prednisone right before the IVIG, not once he had the headache (I think Dr B may be doing this now) I would have dosed him every 6 hours with Ibuprofen 600 mg, not 400mg (he's 130 lbs.) and I would have set my alarm religiously to make sure he took this instead of thinking he just needed to sleep through the night. And probably would have had them slow the drip down even though he seemed to tolerate the infusion fine.


All that being said, even if he does get side effects and he does feel horrible, it really is "self limiting" like when you have the flu for a few days. After the day 2 bad side effects subsided, my son had a lower level headache for about 4 more days we treated with Motrin. The biggest thing I was not expecting was the amount of sleeping he did - upwards of 14 hours a day for the first 10 days or so after. I know that freaking out feeling well - but both you and he will be just fine and you will get through this! Let us know how it is going tomorrow and in the next week!!!


i know its a big dose. I tried to have dr spread out into 2 days but he said he has always done 1 day. Im at infusion center. Doctor lives 1000 miles away. Thanks 4 ur support. Means so much to me


Good luck and let us know



My son will have IVIG in the morning. He will have it done all in one day(2g) I have prednisone but I do not know how much to give him or when. I know he is suppose to have plenty of fluids too. How much? What about the Advil. How much and when do I start. I wish my doctor would call me back. Starting to freak out.

thanks everyone.here we go

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