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I don't know if this is just immaturity, or if this is a common personality/behavior issue?


My son is the only one that I know that continually posts rude, offensive things on his facebook account (which I monitor daily). I don't get it. I tell him that he has lost the privilege of having an account, and make him remove posts. The next time he is allowed on, he does the same exact thing! He continually makes bad choices related to social circumstances. You may recall the first day of summer break he was sent home from a friends for making really poor decisions there which caused great embarrassment for friend's mother (and me). I feel like I can't let him go anywhere without me, because this is just a constant issue for him.


Any others have this going on?


My 9 y/o son does this when his symptoms are worse, after IVIG before strep reinfection last week we saw a HUGE improvement in this and had no issue with it anymore.

Mind you, in our house our kids aren't allowed to say crap or holy cow so where he got some of these things was just beyond us but he is not allowed on Utube AT ALL , not even monitored because the second you turn around, its inappropriate things that he knows better. He had this thing about "Barney" and Teletubbies for a long time too that was really weird just saying stuff about shooting them and violent things. I am almost 100 percent sure it is PANDAS here though, because none of my other boys do it and it gets worse as he gets worse and better as he gets better.

It is really frustrating though cause you ride that line of disciplining for something that is hard for them to control and also not letting them get away with it.

Good luck and its great you are monitoring him though


phasmid - i can't remember how old your son is but am sure if he has a facebook acct, he's older than mine, who just turned 6.

of course, i don't know your son's general personality, but i'd vote for this behavior being due to pandas. initially my son presented with quite whacked behaviors. again, this past winter with exacerbation, he was exhibiting some difficult behaviors. i use homeopathy and when i saw this list, i was stunned that it described a lot of what he was doing -- not that i am suggesting that med for you, just showing a list of behaviors for us that are not normal for him, but are problematic with exacerbation. just my opinon, if i heard of any pandas kid doing these, i'd think it was pandas related.


as for the cause, i don't know - is it the strep antibody brain interaction, is it yeast triggered by strep or general imbalance b/c some of these are also described as yeast troubles.


does this seem like what you mean:



· Disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It is as if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its functions. It causes a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Unseemly and immodest in acts. Persists in stripping self or uncovering genitals. Is jealous.


· Obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body, jealous. Great hilarity. Low, muttering speech.


· Has no will to urinate


· Exposes his person


· Clingy and dependent


· Fears being left alone


· Crude behavior


· Uncovers body


· Loves smutty talk


· Immodest acts, gesture, expressions


· Unintelligible chatter


· Foolish laughter - does foolish things


· Without shame or inhibition


· Does things to shock - such as saying doesn't love or sticking out tongue


· Screams & bangs if in time out


· Rage with unusual strength


· Strikes out at those trying to help



My son is too young for an FB account, but if he had one, I'm sure he'd do the same thing...


We have issues with him, and his friends, "pantsing" each other, saying things like "up your butt" and the like. I am sure a lot of it is typical 7 year old boy stuff, but the frequency and intensity of it I believe for my DS is related to pandas. Mainly because there are CONSTANT reminders that it is not allowed and constant ending of playdates due to it. Only for it to continue the next day as if nothing was every said about it.


In our case, the other kids also have figured it is fun to egg on DS :) I hear a lot of whispering to him followed by an offense, which is very frustrating. So no whispering is yet another rule here.


They also constantly start to play "truth or dare" which usually ends with me coming screeching from around a corner yelling NO NO NO!!!! I can only think that will NEVER end well in this house :(


Personally, if you can bring yourself to do it, I'd just cancel the FB account to save yourself the aggravation. If it's pandas related, it's not likely to stop.

phasmid - i can't remember how old your son is but am sure if he has a facebook acct, he's older than mine, who just turned 6.

of course, i don't know your son's general personality, but i'd vote for this behavior being due to pandas. initially my son presented with quite whacked behaviors. again, this past winter with exacerbation, he was exhibiting some difficult behaviors. i use homeopathy and when i saw this list, i was stunned that it described a lot of what he was doing -- not that i am suggesting that med for you, just showing a list of behaviors for us that are not normal for him, but are problematic with exacerbation. just my opinon, if i heard of any pandas kid doing these, i'd think it was pandas related.


as for the cause, i don't know - is it the strep antibody brain interaction, is it yeast triggered by strep or general imbalance b/c some of these are also described as yeast troubles.


does this seem like what you mean:



· Disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It is as if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its functions. It causes a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Unseemly and immodest in acts. Persists in stripping self or uncovering genitals. Is jealous.


· Obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body, jealous. Great hilarity. Low, muttering speech.


· Has no will to urinate


· Exposes his person


· Clingy and dependent


· Fears being left alone


· Crude behavior


· Uncovers body


· Loves smutty talk


· Immodest acts, gesture, expressions


· Unintelligible chatter


· Foolish laughter - does foolish things


· Without shame or inhibition


· Does things to shock - such as saying doesn't love or sticking out tongue


· Screams & bangs if in time out


· Rage with unusual strength


· Strikes out at those trying to help



Hey I know someone like that too :( My son has always been the life of the party (or the playroom, classroom, etc) so to say. Very outgoing, sociable, always a little silly (typical class clown kind of stuff) but now...the last year and half...WOW, he is like the goofiest little thing ever! Definitely has no shame, definitely uses smutty language, unintelligible chatter, etc....so many things on this list!!! I definitely attribute it to PANDAS as this is NOT the same child I knew 2 years ago.

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