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In house candida test

Guest Guest_Caz

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Guest Guest_Caz

Well, today my son had his in house candida test. It truly was like taking a preganancy test, except that it was a skin prick blood test. After they do the prick, they put the blood onto the slide and add another solution, then you wait for either one or tto lines to show up. I think I was actually more nervous about these results than for any of the pregnancy confirmations.


Well, he doesn't have it! This test looks for Igg antibodies to candida in your blood. If you have it or have recently had it, you will have Igg antibodies according to my doctor. Actually the test is marketed to doctors testing for vaginal yeast, but apparantly you have to have it systemically first to get it there.


I felt a bit wierd marching a boy in to have a vaginal yeast test!!??!!


I do wonder though if you can have it and not have antibodies to it - I guess if you have any other type of infection say like strep, it is the antibodies they look for, so it would appear to be accurate.


The web address for the company is www.rockeby.com, and the test is called candia5 The info on this test only talks about vaginal infections, but as I said before, the doctor said it would pick it up if it is in his system.


Unforntunatly a urine metabolite test is unavailable here in australia. The test would have to be sent to the states, and then our medicare system does not help out with costs of overseas tests.


HOpefully if this is defenitely not an issue, we can keep moving forward looking for other areas to try.



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First of all, perhaps your son doesn't have yeast. I am not trying to lead you on a false path here, however....


My son and I both took not only the CDSA test for yeast which showed negative, but we both ALSO had an IgE test (not IgG) for antibodies for yeast, which showed negative.


Then we took the Great Plains urine test showed positive for both of us. I asked our DAN doctor: Why didn't we have antibodies if we have yeast overgrowth? His answer was: Not having antibodies just means you are not ALLERGIC to the yeast, not that you don't have it. This is consistant with the IgG test for Gluten/Casein/Eggs and whatever. You can eat them, but will only show antibodies if you are actually allergic/sensitive to them. Conversely, everyone has some yeast in their bodies, so I suspect you can have antibodies to the yeast even if you don't have an overgrowth--I didn't ask our doctor about this though.


In any case, doctors disagree all the time, and candidias itself is controversial.


Question: Did you ever try the at home spit test? Did it show negative? (e.g. spitting into a glass of water before you drink or eat anything and the spit floats without stringers? If this is the case, then I would think that would suffice if you don't have the urine test available.




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I imagine they are starting to market this test kit here first, then it will go internationally.


Claire raised some interesting points.


We did the spit test, and it showed a reaction so who knows?


I will continue to give him the acidophilis supplements. Actually now I am using Lactobaccilus sporogenes. That is the same strain that is in the threelac product others have used. This product is made by Thorne. Costs about $30 Australian (maybe $22 US) for 60 capsules.



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