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Hi Everyone,


So my son (who is almost 5 years old and weighs 40 lbs) is now at the full dose of the Bontech supplements, which he started two weeks ago. The amount of magnesium is 300 mg. I also give him the ES baths every other night and I just ordered the lotion too. As a side note, I threw out almost a whole pantry of food and bought everything all natural/organic/gluten free. Anyway, he's been much better this week (yes, I know it could just be waning). However, my husband and I did notice a pattern that every night he gets more excitable at dinner time and it continues until bedtime. He sleeps fine, but after reading some other posts I thought maybe the Natural calm would help. So, I went out and bought it. My question is, if I give him the Bontech, ES Bath's & Natural Calm will I be o'ding him on Magnesium? Also, if the Natural Calm is just extra magnesium how is it different then just giving him another supplement in the evening?


I just wanted to know your thoughts based on my sons age/weight/Etc.


As always,




If he gets runny stools then you know you've over done the magnesium. If his stools are normal then you are fine.

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