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Thanks Pete, what you say is very important to me. I see that exercises and sports, are always good for my daughter. In those moments the PANDAS disappears. she does swim, go cycling, skiing. we are trying to increase the sports activities. there must be a link in all this.

Posted (edited)

In looking over that paper, it doesn't look like the men were treated with (or sent home with long term) antibiotics...I bet they would have done better if they'd gotten abs (they did get numerous psych. drugs!). 2 of the men did get prophylactic pen AFTER pandas symptoms returned (after getting infections). I would call that a case of closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped! Grrrr.


Cases I-IV began treatment with and were discharged

with the following, respectively: Case I: quetiapine 600

mg day-1 and fluvoxamine 200 mg day-1; Case II; fluoxetine

20 mg day-1 and carbamazepine 400 mg day-1; Case

III: olanzapine 10 mg day-1 and escitalopram 10 mg day1;

Case IV: fluoxetine 20 mg day-1 and risperidone 1 mg

day-1. The improvement observed in cases I-III continued

during the 6-month post discharge follow-up period.

Case I experienced an exacerbation of complaints at

the sixth post discharge month. The patient had an upper

respiratory tract infection before the onset of symptoms

and his ASO was elevated (532 IU ml-1). Similarly,

case IV experienced an exacerbation of complaints at the

sixth post discharge week following an upper respiratory

tract infection. His ASO level at the time was elevated

(673 IU ml-1). Plasmapheresis was planned for both of

these cases based on the request of the patients and their

relatives; however, due to a change of government regulations

concerning medical treatment reimbursement,

this plan was not carried out. Based on the consultation

received from the department of infectious diseases, both

of the patients began to receive monthly prophylactic

depot penicillin treatment.

Edited by EAMom
Posted (edited)

Hi... I haven't read through your whole post very thoroughly nor the replies to it... sorry! I'm out of it this morning. I just picked up on your symptoms worsening with an accident. This happens a lot in Lyme disease. After surgery or a serious accident symptoms emerge in a once quiet infection. That's what happened to me with a c-section I think.


You might want to look into Lyme disease also. I hope you find your answers!


Edited by harpazo_hope

Welcome. First I apologize. I did not read all responses. Here are a list of possible behavior /personality changes one may see in someone with PANDAS...


•Obsessions (e.g., preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety)

•Compulsions (e.g., an irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation)

•Choreiform movements (e.g., milk-maid grip, fine finger playing movements in stressed stance)

•Emotional lability (e.g.,irritability, sudden unexplainable rages, fight or flight behaviors) (66%)

•Personality changes (54%)

•Age inappropriate behaviors particularly regressive bedtime fears/rituals (50%)

•Separation anxiety (46%)

•Oppositional defiant disorder (40%)

•Tactile/sensory defensiveness (40%)

•Hyperactivity, impulsivity, fidgetiness, or inability to focus (40%)

•Major Depression (36%)

•Marked deterioration in handwriting or math skills. (26%)

•Daytime urinary frequency/enuresis (12%)

•Anorexia (particularly fear of choking, being poisoned, contamination fears, fear of throwing up)


When one looks at the separtion anxiety, we normally see it through the eyes of a child and how a child needs to be around their parent. But, in your circumstance, I can see that manifesting in the relationship with your ex-girlfriend.


As for your memory, a few PANDAS kids, including mine, have that tape recorder memory. He can rewatch tv show in his mind.


One thing I want to ask is in refrence to you mentioning execrise so many times. Is that becasue you like the way you feel after you exercise or maybe because (and look outside the box on this one), you overly criticise your body image?


Here are some thread for you to read. There are PANDAs adults on this forum. If they have't responded yet, hopefully they will chime in with some advice.


PANDAS Fact Sheet






Thanks Vickie and all the others who have replied. I didn't expect so many replies so quickly, and I've spent the better part of the day following up on these things you mention.


Very interesting about the separation anxiety and also the exercise... I have been told that I'm very skinny, and I am perhaps overly critical of my body image. However I think the start of my exercising is almost compulsive as in something I have to do and I don't exactly think about why. I only notice after I come back for a run that I feel better (which is normal I think for everyone as exercise releases endorphins.). I've also read that exercise improves focus for everyone, and I'm no exception I think I just start from a lower level.


thanks I will check into those threads.... and happy mothers day!



Interesting... I have been tested for lyme, and my sister has it, but the test was negative. I've heard tests can be unreliable though so perhaps I will ask my doc... thanks!



Hi... I haven't read through your whole post very thoroughly nor the replies to it... sorry! I'm out of it this morning. I just picked up on your symptoms worsening with an accident. This happens a lot in Lyme disease. After surgery or a serious accident symptoms emerge in a once quiet infection. That's what happened to me with a c-section I think.


You might want to look into Lyme disease also. I hope you find your answers!


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