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Guest Lulu

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I noticed in Claire's survey that people had trouble with salicylates - efgh wrote "especially OJ and peanuts" and someone else mentioned apples. My son tested positive with the IgG blood test for peanuts (when eliminated his excema went away). I do give him OJ and apples. Here's my question: Is it the salicylates in the peanuts that may be bothering him and if so, should I eliminate OJ and apples because they have it too??



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My son is also allergic to salicylates but only in certain things. It is really something that you have to experiement with by eliminating all salicylates and then gradually reintroducing them one at a time to see if there is a sensitivity. On the Feingold forum there are many kids who are allergic to grapes but not apples even though they both contain salicylates. My son handles apples and blueberries (both have salicylates) but cannot tolerate grapes or strawberries.



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