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My name is Shirley Tapia. I live in New Mexico. I have an 8 year old son. In late October 3 DAYS AFTER THE FLU MIST VACCINE my son woke up one morning with bloody nose, serious eye blinking. We took him to the eye doctor and he was fine. Shortly after that he started having tics throughout his body. He also has OCD. He cleans nonstop, washes shoes and laundry multiple times a day, and wets his hair and puts gel in it every time he leaves the house, even for b-ball practice or just to play. Some days it is worse than others. He gets extremely angry and cries. He used to stay with my mom and dad by himself but a few months ago, he cried and cried. We have been to 3 neurologists 2 psychiatrist and have been diagnosed with add, ocd and sensory sensitive. He refuses to wear certain textures. He tried adderral and an anti depressant but had a serious side effect so I took him off. Neurologist says he has eleptiform discharges in brain and they want to start him on seizure meds. I'm not sure this is the problem and looking for alternative treatment, possibly ivig.


My son has always done well in school. He is average. Today he is lowest reader in his class. His comprehension is terrible. Last year he was great at basketball and this year he has lost his skills. I have told my husband for months something has caused this. All of this happened suddenly. I know the exact day it started. I know he had a cold prior to this because I thought he would not be able to have his flu shot but that day he was not running a fever so they allowed him to get one. This was on Thursday and the symptoms started on Saturday. He has never had strep. All test are normal nut he still has the symptoms. I am very frustrated and exhausted! I have an appointment for my son in CA. He will see Dr. Lin. It is a 16 hour trip for us. Will it be worth it. has anyone sen him?


Please comment on this.


Hi Shirley--I've been reading your posts. Please watch for a private message from me, OK? Am just doing that to simplify our communication. . . Sheila

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