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I have been meaning to do this for awhile but as I mentioned before, we have had a very busy summer and I wanted to take the time to write it with proper thought behind it.


I really found Chemar's post helpful titled "What has Helped my Son" and have referred back to it a few times to check on dosages that she uses. So with some encouraging from Claire, I thought I would write the complete program that we have had so much success with.


My son's tics started last summer (2004) and in November of 2004 they were so severe he was home from school for 2 months. He was snorting loudly every 5 seconds, had facial motor tics and mild OCD. I was distraught and turned to natural therapy in desperation. His diagnosis from the medical pediatrician was PANDAS after finding high ASO titors. They wanted to put him on prescription drugs and my husband and I were unwilling to go there.


In November, the Naturopath (who uses electradermal testing) found a very high yeast overgrowth in both the small and large intestine. He immediately started using Threelac with Lactic Acid to kill the yeast and improve his digestion. He was also started on a multi-vitamin at this time and digestive enzymes to help him digest his nutrients. He was found to be sensitive to corn and milk products and we removed them from his diet. We also removed food dyes, colours and artificial flavours. After about 2 months his tics were reduced by 85%.


At this time, we had a hair analysis done and he was shown to be toxic with aluminum and moderately high in lead and mercury. He was given NDF (from Bioray) which is a natural supplement to remove heavy metals from the body. We continued with the NDF for approximately 4 months.


After using NDF we went back to using Threelac again for awhile as his body was showing yeast overgrowth once again. Apparently, it is quite common for yeast to become overgrown again while detoxing metals. Once the testing showed his intestines back in balance, the last step recommended by our Naturopath was to introduce the vitamins B6, zinc and calcium/magnesium combo. Once we introduced these vitamins, the tics were again dramatically reduced almost immediately. I noticed a change within hours and it continued over the next few weeks.


Since that time they have steadily improved to the point that they are almost gone over the last 2 days.


I believe that the reason he responded so quickly to the vitamins being added is because his system had been detoxed and his digestion improved so much so his body easily absorbed the nutrients that he has been deficient in for so long.


During the treatment we also noticed that he had a flicker sensitivity to TV screens and during a community promoted "no screens" week in the spring, his tics virtually stopped. Within 5 minutes of watching TV the tics returned.


He is now far more tolerant of the forbidden foods and is able to watch TV with minimal reaction. In fact today, he had an ice cream sandwich and played gameboy for a couple of hours with no reaction at all.


Perhaps some may think that this is just a waning cycle but in my heart I don't believe it is and I guess time will tell. I have seen signs along the way to show me that there is healing going on.


My goal now is to spread the word as best as I can to share things that I have learned along the way. There are truly knowledgeable people on this forum and their sharing has helped us get to this point. I am truly thankful for the road we have travelled and I believe that GOD has played a part in leading us down this path to recovery.



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