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Hi--Note that yesterday our webmaster posted two pinned articles at the top of this page.

Disclaimer and Privacy Policy: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7461

Forum Community Guidelines: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7462


Please read them, as they affect your use of these forums.


Now that the forums have grown in size, we are adapting standard procedure for moderating them. These guidelines are used by other community forums as well. Just because a forum is free of charge, this does not mean it is a free for all, with users posting whatever they please. We will be working to stay focused on our mission of providing support and education. In a nutshell: Our forums provide support for people dealing with neurological and related issues. Everyone joining this community should find it a safe haven where they are treated with respect, civility, and understanding.


This forum is moderated by our webmaster, by Chemar, and by myself. We can't possibly read every post, and we invite you to alert us by private message if you feel there is inappropriate material. Please see in the policy that as a user: You agree that the webmaster, administrator, and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move, or close any topic at any time should they see fit. This what moderating a forum is all about; this is standard practice. We don't anticipate having to intervene often, but we will when we need to. We will not be giving public explanations everytime we have to address an issue on the forum.


Please also note this new guideline, among others:


Announcements, media requests, and research requests

These need administrative approval. Please send to an administrator before posting.


We have not needed to address this in the past, but now with 4000 members, we request you run announcements, media requests, and research requests by an administrator, webmaster or Chemar (she will forward it on) for approval before posting. Once again, this is standard practice for a forum of our size and nature.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation with these changes. Feel free to request clarification on any topics in the articles. Thank you! Sheila

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