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When we saw Dr.L yesterday, I told her that Allie had gotten vaginal yeast when she was on augmentin and that diflucan did not clear it until we switched back to zith. She said PANDAS kids usually don't get yeast infections. Huh? I've never heard this before. Anybody else heard this? Seems like lots of us here have had yeast problems.


I haven't spoken with a PANDAS doctor yet to hear either way (first phone consult with Dr. K. is now scheduled for this coming Friday). But, I will say, I have been battling with a candida infection for many years. It is bad enough, I have occasionally wondered if I really might have PITAND where the other infectious agent is candida. But that is pure speculation, no idea if it's even possible with a fungus.




I may be wrong (and probably am) but I was always under the impression that using a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Augmentin, targets all bacteria including the natural bacteria in the body that tends to keep yeast down. Hence if you are killing off the bacteria that subdues yeast, you then in turn get an overgrowth of yeast.

Like I said could be wrong.



I may be wrong (and probably am) but I was always under the impression that using a broad spectrum antibiotic such as Augmentin, targets all bacteria including the natural bacteria in the body that tends to keep yeast down. Hence if you are killing off the bacteria that subdues yeast, you then in turn get an overgrowth of yeast.

Like I said could be wrong.




Well, that's why I'm confused! Abx use is associated with yeast and PANDAS kids tend to use a lot of abx, so it follows... I must have misunderstood what she meant- she seems to do a lot of thinking outloud.


She means that PANDAS children have an overactive immune system...which tends to keep Candida in check.


In Dr. T's write up, you will see that the pro-biotic regime is only indicated in immune-deficient PANDAS (if he is right about the classes), and, not over-active PANDAS, which makes sense because a compromised immune system will allow candida to go wild, especially if on antibiotics. I am assuming that Dr. L believes in over-active immune problems in PANDAS.


Over-active immune PANDAS here, 2 1/2 years of continuous antibiotics......zero yeast problems.


Both of my children have had yeast issues since they were born!! And I mean everything from severe thrush to vaginal and anal yeast.


I have been wondering if my daughter has candida/fungus issues similar to what Michael from Tampa is saying.



She means that PANDAS children have an overactive immune system...which tends to keep Candida in check.


In Dr. T's write up, you will see that the pro-biotic regime is only indicated in immune-deficient PANDAS (if he is right about the classes), and, not over-active PANDAS, which makes sense because a compromised immune system will allow candida to go wild, especially if on antibiotics. I am assuming that Dr. L believes in over-active immune problems in PANDAS.


Over-active immune PANDAS here, 2 1/2 years of continuous antibiotics......zero yeast problems.


Okay, but she had already seen my daughter's low IgG and low IgA- and questioned why the immunologist had not treated based on that...she thought they were VERY low. But, you could be right, especially if she was thinking outloud-to add that piece to the puzzle.

But your answer then prompts me to ask if IVIG will also help with the yeast issues?

Over-active immune PANDAS here, 2 1/2 years of continuous antibiotics......zero yeast problems.


I am sooo jealous :)


You know, I've wondered about this. I always thought it was odd that my dd never had issues with yeast the way I hear some other parents talk. I rarely give probiotics. She has been on continuous antibiotics for quite some time. I used to give probiotics like clockwork, but I stopped it and we see no difference.


Actually, Dr. K told me the same thing when I went to see him...that yeast issues rarely occur and parents think their kids have yeast when they don't. NOT saying this is the case for all....just sayin'. :)


Same here Amy...two boys on continuos antibiotics over 2 years...no yeast...very "haphazzard" (like EAMom) said, about giving probiotics. I actually sometimes think they react to the probiotics negatively (well, my younger son) when I give them...would make sense with an over active immune system.


Peglem...now that you are her patient...just call or e-mail her and ask her what she meant by that. Don't know about IVIG and yeast....you could ask her that, too.


I've recently stepped down off of probiotics, too, mostly because we were seeing some "silly" behaviors and excessive urination, which we've been told could be tied to an over-abundance of yeast. My son seems especially sensitive to Sach B.; I can almost time his potty schedule after a dose of that.


For us, yogurt and an occasional extra acidolpholus gel-cap (in between abx doses) seems to do the trick without bringing any negatives to the table.

Actually, Dr. K told me the same thing when I went to see him...that yeast issues rarely occur and parents think their kids have yeast when they don't. NOT saying this is the case for all....just sayin'. laugh.gif


My daughter has had confirmed, cultured vag. yeast...so I know it wasn't just us thinking that. But then, she's got low IgG, IgA. But what is puzzling to me (also) is how her immune system responds poorly- making too few antibodies, yet makes enough to see a dramatic auto-antibody problem.


That is why I ALWAYS in my posts say that I am NOT saying it is the case for everyone, (indicative in above post quote)..........I do that because it always seems someone comes on here to present their case that refutes my post.........there is always going to be different experiences.


Of course yeast exists...we all know that....and some of these kids do get yeast issues....haven't just about all us women at one point or another????


Just trying to answer your first post by relaying what two docs told me.


If I remember correctly, Peglem...your daughter rarely gets sick?? Correct?? This is very indicative that there is not an immune deficiency going on with her (despite her low numbers)...these kids get sick a lot!

Again.....may not be the case....just throwing it out there!!!!!!


Im kindof confused about this too.Dr T didnt seem overly concerned about yeast with danny but did recomend florestor(sp) and I found it at costco 50 pills for 32.00$ not bad.Im not sure if his behavior changes from probiotics but How would I know if its teast if I dont do a test? Ive had tests before and havent had yeast issues.But havent been on antibiotics like this before either.HUMMM any one have anything to add?



That is why I ALWAYS in my posts say that I am NOT saying it is the case for everyone, (indicative in above post quote)..........I do that because it always seems someone comes on here to present their case that refutes my post.........there is always going to be different experiences.


Of course yeast exists...we all know that....and some of these kids do get yeast issues....haven't just about all us women at one point or another????


Just trying to answer your first post by relaying what two docs told me.


If I remember correctly, Peglem...your daughter rarely gets sick?? Correct?? This is very indicative that there is not an immune deficiency going on with her (despite her low numbers)...these kids get sick a lot!

Again.....may not be the case....just throwing it out there!!!!!!

Oh, I wasn't trying to refute anything, just telling what happened with us...and I knew you weren't saying its that way for everybody.

My daughter used to be constantly ill w/ ear infections, sinus infections- from about age 2-10. When we discovered the strep (the 1st time she was ever tested) at age 10 and started treating pretty regularly with antibiotics (because the strep kept coming back), then she seldom got ill anymore. We ended up at the immunologist because we (her ped and I) wondered why she was not able to get rid of the strep, even w/ antibiotics, when her immune system should have been able to get rid of it on its own.


But, I have to say, because of the autism dx, my daughter got really crappy medical care...amazing how doctors would not even examine/treat for regular childhood stuff. We had some pretty weird crap happening that was dismissed as "normal for autism". An insurance change when she was 10 years old forced us to switch doctors and we happened upon our current pediatrician-who has been wonderful.

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