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After reading many posts and searching many sites, I sat down last night and starting thinking through things (again!).


The posts on the pnemonical vaccine struck me... if this can occur with this vaacination can it occur with others...


My PANDA son9 has 3 brothers and a sister. All but 1 have had the chixen pox vaccine (the youngest has not received it yet) - te 4 kids that got the vaccine also GOT chickenpox - 1 of them very severe! now the kids are all different ages (no multiples) had the shot at age 1 on normal schedule...


my daughter now 7 (chx pox at age 4)has recently been disagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.... I am calling her pediatrican this afternoon to ask for a complete blood workup... I am thinking is it possible she also has PANDAS- she has some symptoms that 'are PANDA-esque. and has the strep history...


my son now 5 (chx pox age 2 very severe case) honestly appeared to stop growing after the episode (he is 35 pounds) - blood work done by ped. showed nothing...


this is all 'food for thought' -


Let me know if you have experienced anything similar....





Geez..... I am the worst person to be responding to your post because I will tell something you may not want to hear. I think it is critical the age of child, state of immune system and maybe a predisposition at time of exposure.


It is looking like all three of our children are PANDAS. They were exposed to my friend's son (he is now PANDAS) who had RF at the time with another child also being positive for strep (also might be PANDAS). RF carries a really resilient strain of strep. My children were 3 3/4 and 6 month old twins at time of exposure. The oldest now 5 3/4 CaM Kinase was 124 (shortly after a steroid burst), our now 2 1/2 year old boy CaM Kinase was 148 & immune deficient and our daughter is currently immune deficient and will test her CaM Kinase within the next couple of weeks. She is starting to fall off the growth charts. She was originally in the 70% for height and 40% for weight. I am not sure where she is in height but she is currently in the 7% for weight. The immunologist we saw yesterday was very concerned for her CHANGE development percentage.


I would like to know what specific tests you ran on your son that show nothing.




My child got the chicken pox too from the vaccine.


Here's a thread where I asked others' their experience with it...





In regards to growth, my son's growth was never affected. He was always above the 90th percentile for height and he's about 25-40% for weight. (higher than that as a baby).He follows the same the curve s his older brother.

Geez..... I am the worst person to be responding to your post because I will tell something you may not want to hear. I think it is critical the age of child, state of immune system and maybe a predisposition at time of exposure.


It is looking like all three of our children are PANDAS. They were exposed to my friend's son (he is now PANDAS) who had RF at the time with another child also being positive for strep (also might be PANDAS). RF carries a really resilient strain of strep. My children were 3 3/4 and 6 month old twins at time of exposure. The oldest now 5 3/4 CaM Kinase was 124 (shortly after a steroid burst), our now 2 1/2 year old boy CaM Kinase was 148 & immune deficient and our daughter is currently immune deficient and will test her CaM Kinase within the next couple of weeks. She is starting to fall off the growth charts. She was originally in the 70% for height and 40% for weight. I am not sure where she is in height but she is currently in the 7% for weight. The immunologist we saw yesterday was very concerned for her CHANGE development percentage.


I would like to know what specific tests you ran on your son that show nothing.



I am not sure of the exact tests but I know that she checked for arthritis as he was complaining of joint pain and also cell counts as I think she suspected he might have cancer as his temp was low for w period of time, and I know she check thyroid.... It was very scary - he was 2 when he got the chx pox and turned 3 within a few months after... his whole body composition changed - his hair his coloring his weight.... we have a well chek up coming up as he turned 5 in Dec....


i need to call her office to request the blood work for my daughter - do you know what I should ask for... and I am guessing I should have it ordered on all the kids! (there are 5.... my son 9 w/PANDAS is my oldest the youngest turns 1 on Sat.)


Thanks for all your help!!!


My child got the chicken pox too from the vaccine.


Here's a thread where I asked others' their experience with it...





In regards to growth, my son's growth was never affected. He was always above the 90th percentile for height and he's about 25-40% for weight. (higher than that as a baby).He follows the same the curve s his older brother.



Both of my kids got the chicken pox shot( pandas son )danny 15 got the cp not really bad but none the less My daughter non Pandas didnt HUMMMMMM.Danny had a weak immune system when he was little thats why he was infected,thats how the pediatrician explained it to me.If I was to do it over again neither would have gotten that shot or many of the others that are unnecessary.But hey cant change the past onloy the future.I will no longer just say ok well lets wait and see.




i have wondered about a possible link also. when i got my sons medical records, there was a note that i had called concerned he was having a reaction to the chicken pox vaccine. i was surprised to see that b/c i didn't recall that. neither me nor my husband had any recollection of that. it couldn't have been much if we didn't remember, but it does make me wonder b/c others have suggested a link.


Minimally, I would do CBC panels, IgG Subclasses and Strep Pneumococcal Antibody Titers. Plus, the others recommended... see attached link.





Geez..... I am the worst person to be responding to your post because I will tell something you may not want to hear. I think it is critical the age of child, state of immune system and maybe a predisposition at time of exposure.


It is looking like all three of our children are PANDAS. They were exposed to my friend's son (he is now PANDAS) who had RF at the time with another child also being positive for strep (also might be PANDAS). RF carries a really resilient strain of strep. My children were 3 3/4 and 6 month old twins at time of exposure. The oldest now 5 3/4 CaM Kinase was 124 (shortly after a steroid burst), our now 2 1/2 year old boy CaM Kinase was 148 & immune deficient and our daughter is currently immune deficient and will test her CaM Kinase within the next couple of weeks. She is starting to fall off the growth charts. She was originally in the 70% for height and 40% for weight. I am not sure where she is in height but she is currently in the 7% for weight. The immunologist we saw yesterday was very concerned for her CHANGE development percentage.


I would like to know what specific tests you ran on your son that show nothing.



I am not sure of the exact tests but I know that she checked for arthritis as he was complaining of joint pain and also cell counts as I think she suspected he might have cancer as his temp was low for w period of time, and I know she check thyroid.... It was very scary - he was 2 when he got the chx pox and turned 3 within a few months after... his whole body composition changed - his hair his coloring his weight.... we have a well chek up coming up as he turned 5 in Dec....


i need to call her office to request the blood work for my daughter - do you know what I should ask for... and I am guessing I should have it ordered on all the kids! (there are 5.... my son 9 w/PANDAS is my oldest the youngest turns 1 on Sat.)


Thanks for all your help!!!



I have mentioned this before on other threads. Both my twin 5 year old boys had thier first PANDAS symptoms 5-7 weeks after the Chicken Pox vacination. No other sign of any illness/strep etc. between the shots and the symptoms. I am convinced that the vacination contributed if not caused PANDAS. I took pictures of them the day of that check up getting thier listening tests etc. They looked so happy and healthy. I recently saw those pics and wished so badly that I could turn back time and make another choice. At this point, my kids will not be getting any other vacinations.


I think it would be intersting to take a poll of people who's kids have PANDAS and have not gotten any vacinations.




When did the chicken pox vaccine become available?

I pulled the following from the immunizationinfo.org website -


A varicella vaccine developed in Japan in the 1970’s was licensed for routine use in Japan and Korea in 1988. The varicella vaccine was recommended for routine use in the United States in 1995. In 2005 a combination measles, mumps, rubella, varicella vaccine (MMRV) was licensed. The risk of a febrile seizure after the first dose of MMRV is increased by an additional child per 1000 (compared to children who got MMR and varicella vaccine at different sites on the same day).



another interesting point on the site....


Effectiveness of the Vaccine


Varicella vaccine is 85% to 90% effective for prevention of varicella and 100% effective for prevention of moderate or severe disease.


Children receiving varicella vaccine in pre-licensure trials in the United States have been shown to be protected for 11 years. Studies in Japan have demonstrated protection for at least 20 years. However, breakthrough infection (i.e., cases of chickenpox after vaccination) can occur in some who have been immunized. Although breakthrough varicella usually results in mild rather than severe illness, some school outbreaks have resulted in some children with more lesions and them also being contagious. For this reason, a second dose of a varicella-containing vaccine is recommended.


I didn't even know they had a MMRV combo vaccine. My daughter was born in 2006. Thank goodness they didn't give that to her.


I live in Ohio and I don't even know if a second chicken pox is required. When I took my 6 year old PANDAS son to the ped, they wanted to give him a second one and I refused, but it wasn't mandatory. We had an increase in chicken pox I think 3 years ago around here involving a lot of 7 and 8 year olds. So, when I read that it's suppose to last 11 years...well...that's interesting.


Does anyone know if the MMRV is standard now? With the recent publication telling docs to combine all vaccines that they can, that one may be on the rise. Heavy sigh.


Maybe a poll should be conducted. My 8 year old SC/PANDAS had chickenpox vaccine at 11 months. My 6 year old never had the shot but contracted chicken pox naturally, he (fingers crossed) shows no signs of PANDAS type behaviours.

The reason he got the shot was the Dr. suggested I should as cp was going around and he was anemic at the time, so i'm sure his immune system would have been compromised.


My 5-1/2 year old son had his first appointment with Dr. Tanya Murphy this past week. Until 11/20/09 he had no symptoms of PANDAS. On 11/20/09 he developed facial/eye tics, shoulder shrugging. Later a slight choreiform movement in fingers.


On 11/10/09 my son had the H1N1 flu vaccine, nasal mist. on 11/11/09 he played for several hours with another child who was diagnosed a day later with strep throat. Strep had also been active in his kindergarten class. My son has never had strep and is seldom sick. Dr. Murphy suggests he may have an over-active immune system and that being exposed to H1N1 live bacteria and strep at the same time may have initiated the tics/PANDAS.


Thanks to the internet and these boards especially, I realized on Dec 16th that he might have strep although he showed no symptoms, but he had complained of a sore throat a couple of weeks before. However, it was a weekend and when I took him to the clinic the next day his throat showed clear. (I noticed small red dots the night before in throat). The clinic did not test for strep. Nor did the ER on 11/20 or the pediatrician appt on 11/24.


I post because I strongly feel the H1N1 vaccine somehow, helped trigger the tics. My gut instinct to not get the vaccine has proven correct. And, as we all know, the clock cannot be turned back.


Dr. Murphy changed my son's Augmentin ES prescription (prescribed by pediatrician) to regular Augmentin and has recommended we add Vitamin D, increase magnesium, add Omega-3 and continue with multi-vitamin. My son's lab work was done Thursday. I do not know if we will have the results prior to our follow-up appt on the 27th.


The antibiotic has greatly diminished my son's tics. They are still there, but not noticeable to most people. Some days are near perfect, others not so perfect. It is not appropriate for me to complain when I read some of the other stories on this board. However, I am consumed by what is currently happening in my son's life...



i have wondered about a possible link also. when i got my sons medical records, there was a note that i had called concerned he was having a reaction to the chicken pox vaccine. i was surprised to see that b/c i didn't recall that. neither me nor my husband had any recollection of that. it couldn't have been much if we didn't remember, but it does make me wonder b/c others have suggested a link.




I'd be interested to know the timeframe of tht chicken pox vaccine and what you noted about a reaction? was he a baby at the time? it was probably that he cried alot that night or something like that? I know I have a memory of my son being around6-9 months old, can't recall, and he had a vaccine during the day, and he cried continuously the rest of the day. we sort of figured out that the site of the vaccine on his leg was sore, because whenever we held him and kind of touched that area, that's when he cried. who knows if it set up anything for further problems, but I didn't see any symptoms of tics until 3 1/2, so don't really know there.


But anyway, my question to you would be, how long after that vaccine would you say you noticed any symptoms in your child? just curious.




Just my own personal theory on the vaccine connection...most vaccines contain adjuvant to provoke an immune response...if you are exposed to more pathogens than the vaccine at that time or have a concurrent infection, you are likely to provoke an irregular response to the natural pathogens, which have not been weakened or rendered unable to reproduce like the vaccine pathogens. This is the product of my own ponderings, so take it for what its worth....($0.02).

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