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No one is calling me and Im very anxious Insurance and MDs all buy I guess I am crawling out of my skin.I waited over the holiday for everytjing to come together and Oh I cant take this I just wanted him to get the treatments and get on with his life ..Please everyone call!!




Hi Melanie,


Sounds like you've had a rough week. Hang in there. Things will happen - it's the holidays, so I'm sure that's why there's been a delay. Now that it's Monday, I'd call them all back and be politely assertive. Good luck and keep us posted.

Hi Melanie,


Sounds like you've had a rough week. Hang in there. Things will happen - it's the holidays, so I'm sure that's why there's been a delay. Now that it's Monday, I'd call them all back and be politely assertive. Good luck and keep us posted.



Thanks But why doesnt anyone call back!!!

Thanks But why doesnt anyone call back!!!


It's the holidays, they don't have any idea what your son is going through, it's not a high priority for them, they are trying to catch up on phone calls... the list goes on. You need to be the "squeaky wheel." Don't sit back and wait.



just curious, (you may have said, but I forgot), why didn't the first doc that did your first IVIG do it for you again? was it Sultan?, you did say the insurance covered it that time, right?






I'm sorry! It really is the time of year. First, it's the holidays. Second, it's a monday after a long weekend. third, it's the end of the year and everyone is trying to get procedures and such done before the new year when insurance changes or resets. You'll probably have better luck tomorrow.


Don't wait for them to call you back if they don't call you by the end of day today. You may have to just keep calling and be put on hold for long amounts of time. If it's insurance, just cut to the chase and when they say hi, tell them you need to speak to a supervisor.


just curious, (you may have said, but I forgot), why didn't the first doc that did your first IVIG do it for you again? was it Sultan?, you did say the insurance covered it that time, right?





Hi Faith


Sultan wanted to do the Iv again after the 1st but couldnt get the insurance to approve it.So I went to Triffiletti,He got the approval and then Sultan wouldnt do it,this all went down before xmas.Dr.T said he would write the script and have it done at home so thats what Im waiting on .Him and the IV poeple to hook up along with the insurance comp.Still no one called me back .Im very upset I am a horrible waiter as it is and the holidays just make the waiting worse. I just hope theres a light at the end of the tunnel..Im off all week and wanted to see if we could possible accomplish something this week but well not looking good.I guess my sons suffering hasnt been enough yet.




oK so the insurance company called DrT and the infusion company so all that is great now I am waiting for Dr T to call in the orders and were good to go! I feel much better ok Dr T its in your ball park !



oK so the insurance company called DrT and the infusion company so all that is great now I am waiting for Dr T to call in the orders and were good to go! I feel much better ok Dr T its in your ball park !




I'm chiming in late but I'm so glad you got things moving again. I know it's horrible to wait especially when it's your kids future involved! But you did great, it really is hard in the holidays in addition to just getting three or four different groups together. Hard to coordinate!!



oK so the insurance company called DrT and the infusion company so all that is great now I am waiting for Dr T to call in the orders and were good to go! I feel much better ok Dr T its in your ball park !




I'm chiming in late but I'm so glad you got things moving again. I know it's horrible to wait especially when it's your kids future involved! But you did great, it really is hard in the holidays in addition to just getting three or four different groups together. Hard to coordinate!!






I dont know why Ive become hyper focused on this Its like Im not myself.I know how important this is, this could potentially make all the differance for dannys life,I cant stop now.Dr S's office actually called BCBS and asked why they werent approved and DR T was.My husband says "it shouldnt matter how you get into the end zone just that you got there" hes very eloquent. I feel much better know the insurance company is ok with the infusions at home I thought for sure there was going to be an issue.



No one is calling me and Im very anxious Insurance and MDs all buy I guess I am crawling out of my skin.I waited over the holiday for everytjing to come together and Oh I cant take this I just wanted him to get the treatments and get on with his life ..Please everyone call!!





Hi I just spoke with Dr T Im soooo happy he called I love him!!! I feel all better well ,untill tomorrow.lol



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