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ugh. just got back from taking ds to doc specifically for a strep test and doc refused.


So PANDAS DS had strep infection 3 weeks ago. Tested positive on rapid test. Given rocefin injection and 5 days of azithro.


He's been off antibiotics now for 11 days and I still see white puss in his throat.


Took him to his doctor today, showed him the white and doc wouldn't do a strep test.


Now, I didn't all out demand (should have and am kicking myself and feeling like I failed DS) I told him I was really concerned about the possibility that the strep didn't get knocked out. Told him I was concerned because of DS's PANDAS. Repeated that I really wanted to stay on top of this and that we were looking for a specialist to see DS.


Doc said he didn't want to do a culture as DS wasn't running a fever or showing other symptoms. Went on to say that the white puss could be caused by any number of things.


When I persisted he said he could set up an appointment for DS to see an ear nose throat doc and that the only way we'll get rid of the puss for good is to have his tonsils removed. I asked if that was what he was recommending and he said no as it's not hurting anything.




What now??? See the ear nose throat guy?


I can't believe I didn't get him the throat culture. Obviously DS's doc doesn't "get" PANDAS. He's a wonderful family doctor who I've always really liked, but didn't this warrant a strep test??? What would it have hurt??


Is it too soon after antibiotics for a strep test? I almost stopped at a walk in place and had it done there, but my 6mo was in major melt down mode after spending all afternoon at the first doc trying to get a culture.


I'd take him to urgent care and get a strep swab done there. I think 11 days after abx is not too soon to get a + result. (we've gotten them as early as 3 days out).


It makes no sense... It's a non-invasive test that that takes a minute to do. My peds who don't know how to treat pandas are still always willing to do the culture. I am mad for you!


First off, take him to urgent care or call and switch peds tomorrow! A new ped can see a new patient for a ill child visit w/o vaccine records.


Now, if you take him to urgent care that if the rapid comes back neg, the culture results are sent to the ped's office. That's how ours did it. The only way to get my culture results was by calling the ped's office. Just be prepared if that's how yours works. Bt, then you can get the results through the nurse and never talk to the dr.


Kids most definitely get strep w/o symptoms. It's actually common for PANDAS kids.


Maybe this was what you needed to get in gear to find a new doctor. I had a defining moment that I finally yelled "That's enough! I need a new doctor!". I found a new one that day.


Thanks everyone.


The ear nose throat office called and had set up his appt for tomorrow, I asked if they can run a strep test and they said they can.


I'm thinking I'll go ahead and go, get him tested there.


I still just don't get why our doc wouldn't do it!!!!

Maybe this was what you needed to get in gear to find a new doctor. I had a defining moment that I finally yelled "That's enough! I need a new doctor!". I found a new one that day.


EXACTLY! I've been looking, but today really solidified that decision. Been emailing lots of docs tonights in hopes of finding a local one with experience. If we haven't found anyone by Monday, going to call one of the experts and plan to travel.

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