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I've read somewhere that TS might be Autoimmune? Anyone have any info or links on that?


Also, when someone has tics (both motor & vocal) and they go away with diet modification/food elimination, is that still considered TS?


Or are they allergic to the food and the tics are a symptom of the allergy? Like a brain allergy?


Or are all tics somewhat still connected to TS no matter what?

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Tics can be related to autoimmune. It's called PANDAS (Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with strep). There is a PANDAS section here if you suspect. Tics are absolutely affected, for some, by food. If you have found triggers and eliminated them, hooray!! This is not easy to do. I don't know if it would still be considered TS? Food sensitivities can cause all kinds of horrible reactions in the body, from arthritis pain to tics. I wish I had answers for you, it's so overwhelming. I'm still trying to figure out what to do to. What have you found with food?


I've read somewhere that TS might be Autoimmune? Anyone have any info or links on that?


Also, when someone has tics (both motor & vocal) and they go away with diet modification/food elimination, is that still considered TS?


Or are they allergic to the food and the tics are a symptom of the allergy? Like a brain allergy?


Or are all tics somewhat still connected to TS no matter what?

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I don't know the answers to those questions really, but I did want to say that when we saw a DAN doctor a couple years ago, (i was there because my son had tics and hoped he could provide some testing and treatments that they use for autism), he did state that they think that tics and tourettes was autoimune, however he did not state that it was only if it was PANDAS. He did the testing for the ASO titers, but considering they were low, we did not treat as PANDAS. so just saying yes, PANDAS is considered autoimune, but the DAN community of docs believe that autism is as well. At the time they were trying a drug called ACTOS, which was actually a diabetic med, and somehow they were using it off-label with conditions like MS, and now trying it for autism and he wanted us to try it to, but I decided not to. They found that what they beleived was that it somehow repaired the myelin sheath of the nerves? something to that effect. I don't know much else about it or if they are still using that, but havn't heard much else about it.


tattoo, where did you hear or read that tourettes/tics was autoimune?



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Tics can be related to autoimmune. It's called PANDAS (Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with strep). There is a PANDAS section here if you suspect. Tics are absolutely affected, for some, by food. If you have found triggers and eliminated them, hooray!! This is not easy to do. I don't know if it would still be considered TS? Food sensitivities can cause all kinds of horrible reactions in the body, from arthritis pain to tics. I wish I had answers for you, it's so overwhelming. I'm still trying to figure out what to do to. What have you found with food?


Thanks Luke'smom!


As far as food goes, we took away gluten & casein and it really seemed to help. I'm thinking we need to go back to that diet but he is going to protest.

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