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Is there anything in pistachios that could increase tics? I bought some tonight (because they're delicious) and I ate a bunch of them a few hours ago and ever since my tic has been worse than usual. Come to think of it, I haven't had them since I started taking Clonidine so I wouldn't have noticed any exacerbation before since before I started taking Clonidine, every day was a bad tic day.


Anyone else had this same experience? So far I've only noticed a couple of things that I can eat that exacerbate my tic. I hope pistachios aren't on this list because they're awesome.

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I don't know about tics, but just ran into an anti-candida diet instruction sheet a couple days ago, and a couple foods it mentioned not to eat that surprised me were peanuts and pistachios. This was a brief sheet, no explanations, so don't know the reason, but, perhaps if candida is an issue, it would spark that an cause all sorts of problems, including tics (as it does certainly increase my symptoms and sensitivities).



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I ate a ton of pistachios again today (it was really the only thing I ate all day since my stomach wasn't feeling good) and I haven't had any exacerbation of symptoms at all.


Maybe it was something else the other day.


Or I saw that pistachios have manganese. Didn't some people here report that manganese can exacerbate tics?


Pistachios are delicious so I don't mind testing this theory more :(

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