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5yo, 40lbs


had rocephin injection Tuesday and oral azithromycin (240mg) for 5 days


our regular doc is out of town (of course)


is this dosage/duration enough? should i call and try to get more?


We've never had the rocephin shot before so I don't know about how that affects the zith dose. My dd is 45 lbs, 7 yrs old and her dose would be 250 mg for 5 days (non PANDAS dose). As a PANDAS kid, I would be inclined to ask for a longer dose.




Thank you both. I called to ask for more azithro, we'll see if they go for it. With my doctor out of town I imagine they won't be so helpful. When I mentioned DS's PANDAS when we were in with pnemonia, the doctor looked at me like I had a third eye.


I would get an extension on your script then eventually be put on a prophylactic antibiotic.

How is behvaior right now? I think I remember you saying his scrpit ends on Sat. If you are not giving him Ibuprofen right now, I suggest doing it on Sunday while he is meds free until you speak to the dr. Good luck!


First try to get an extension. If he refuses, then try to get another antibiotic. But do try to keep him on meds.

How is behvaior right now? I think I remember you saying his scrpit ends on Sat. If you are not giving him Ibuprofen right now, I suggest doing it on Sunday while he is meds free until you speak to the dr. Good luck!


First try to get an extension. If he refuses, then try to get another antibiotic. But do try to keep him on meds.



we have the cefadroxil that we discontinued because it wasn't working. should i give him that?


today's his last dose of azithro


his behavior was really improving until this morning. he was like a different child, happy, active, PRETENDING!! He's having a rough morning though.



where do you live? Maybe someone can rec. a doc.


One approach might be (when your doc gets back in town, when is that?) to explain that your son's behavior started to improve on Azith...but declined again once you stopped. Then ask for a 30 day trial of Azith.


I'm trying to keep all you dates straight. A week before he got the azith, he tested + for strep, right? Be prepared for the doctor to say to birng him in for a strep test and if it's + he'll extend the script. If that happens, politely remind him that it would be too after the antibiotic to get an accurate reading on a strep test. I believe Buster had once said it should be done 14 days post antibiotics. Then explain, like EAMom said, how you noticed his PANDAS behvaior getting better on the meds then decline after finishing them.


I'm assuming your doc is back on Monday? Is he on board with the PANDAS diagnosis and treatment?


There were times when our pediatrican (on board with PANDAS) would make a "clinical strep dx", w/o swabbing to make sure, so he could give more antibiotics...this was always shortly after finishing a course of antibiotics (2-3 days) when he thought the abx might nullify the test. He never told me that, but I observed it on several occaisions.


There were also many times, though, when she would retest + 2-5 days after a course of antibiotics.

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