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:) Hi

My daughter (who will be 6 in July) is diagnosed with autism. We did the Melissa test and she came up toxic for thimerosal and very high for most of the other heavy metals. WE did one EDTA drip and the urine test showed up only lead. We were then recommended to do a course of DMSA. She has showed remarkable progress and is going to pre-school alone - however there is still a long way to go.

I have only recently read about the ndf - we are interested in going that route - however we are not able to find a dr that has any knowledge of the product - we are in South Africa - if anybody can give us assistance in this regard we would appreciate it - I am also interested in supplements as she is not taking any at the moment. She is also on the gluten and casein free diet - and we are not sure if we should continue as they found no opiods in the urine test we did in Norway.

many thanks




My son is currently using NDF and has been for a couple of months now. He suffers from both vocal and motor tics. The tics were quite severe before Xmas and he used a supplement (Threelac) to kill intestinal yeast.


His hair analysis showed high aluminum and moderately high lead and mercury. Since the end of January we have been using NDF. I have only used about 1 drop/day until last week and we are now up to 3 drops per day taken with Reverse Osmosis water. His tics are so minimal right now that they are barely noticeable.


We have also eliminated certain foods and have found out recently the TV/computer is a trigger. The naturopath feels that these environmental triggers happen because of his body being out of balance with the heavy metals. She prescribed the NDF and has used it regularly for about a year now in her practice with much success for various disorders. I do believe that the use of the NDF is why my son has improved so much over the last few months. Our goal is to be tic free and to be able to once again tolerate TV viewing, as well as the offending foods (milk and corn). Good luck and keep me posted.




Does anyone know how to ease the symptom of a headache, after a loading dose of Vitamin A, Klaire Labs Micel A, 11 ml for a 125 pound 15 year old girl, two days in a row. The first day she was fine, today, she has the worst headache in the world!! Hillary

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mary

Heather, where do you buy the reverse osmosis water? Also, have you been doing any urine tests at all with the NDF? I'm curious to know if it is pulling anything out. I'm thinking of NDF or Metal Free (along with homeopathic vaccine nosode detox) for my son. Dmsa helped him a lot, but it also helped him get pretty yeasty and that was masking the benefits of chelation so we took a break.



  • 2 weeks later...



Reverse osmosis is available at any grocery store or variety store. I use the Dasani brand.


No, I haven't been doing any urine tests with the NDF. My practitioner doesn't do those tests. If things don't continue to improve however, I will look into further testing.



  • 1 month later...

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