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thank you for that. I think what I'm trying to figure out is if someone in the family has pneumonia, could the exposure be the same as when exposed to the strep bacteria? despite my husband having this a couple years back (bronchitis turned to pneumonia) my son did not get sick at all, showed no signs. Also, my husband has had a couple bouts of sore throat during this year, but again, my son never contracts it or shows signs of being ill. so no reason to go get checked. even when my husband gets sick, he doesn't go to the doctor unless its not going away and he needs abx or something. sore throats, he usually just rode out. just wondering out loud of these exposures could trigger his increases.






Exposure could absolutely cause an increase in symptoms. It seems to have started after strep....then waxed and waned over time. That is how it goes. PANDAS kids commonly show no signs of illness....that is why the illness related tic/ocd/etc. increase is overlooked much too often. The fact that he never showed signs of these illness doesn't mean he did not contract them.....his immune system could have likely taken care of it before "typical" illness symptoms appear.....tics could be your sons way of showing he is sick...nothing else may surface.


Faith....if I were you, I would seriously consider a steroid trial.

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