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A chiropractor friend of mine asked if I had tried strep nosode for Pixie. I have a reply in to her to ask what exactly it is and how I get some... but in the meantime, I found this:




and this about homeopathy in general:



Wondered if anyone was enlightened and if you had tried it? We're definitely looking for a homeopath to help us sort through some things as well. One step at a time though for now!!


we are trying something similar that i found on a post a few months ago here - try searching homeopathic on this forum.


it's rather difficult to get a handle on. the company we are using is pleo sanum from germany. most of the alternative drs/naturopaths i had been in contact with since last fall(when danny started with symptoms) hadn't heard of it when i tried to research. you can sometimes get the newsletter on google searchs but i've not figured out what i've hit on to get that.


try googling "biological medicine". there's also a "dr z" in nevada that has a website and he sells these through that. i wrote to the distributor in AZ and found a naturopath in my area. something strange is going on with the distributor now.


danny has been on two of the formulas for about 8 weeks now. he seems to be doing very well. knock on wood! today he's a little ODD. he seemed to have a little cold/virus something a few weeks ago - right before school! but seems to have done well through it. i am not sure if his positive behavior is due to these treatments or if he's just not in an exacerbation phase.


his history is great results when we first got him on keflex - in 3 days was 100% back to normal self. that lasted 35 days on abx + 5 weeks. he then got a cold and regressed although not as bad as original. back on abx did not see the total back to normal turn-around as before. through the summer, he was okay - some good days, some bad. i tend to rate how close to pre-pandas self but it's hard to know if that even exists now. last few weeks, i see improvement - i'd say now maybe 90% pre-pandas self.


if he's in exacerbation, it's clear; when he's doing well it seems so hard to judge what behavior is pandas, pandas-hang over or normal 5 year old.

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