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Update on Nicholas


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Hi everyone,


We were down the shore for a week (ocean city NJ) I am beggining to be able to travel and not panic that things will be bad when we get there. for the greater part Nicholas tics have been very, very mild to non existent. He is 8 years old (just in June) normal weight 50 some pounds. He is on 15 mg. of the topamax. He responded very well to the Topamax. I always kept him on 15 so I could see him tic if something was a trigger. He has been off dairy and recently I have allowed him goat's milk. Prior to the shore he has been good even with eating foods at summer day camp. The Saturday that we left his neck tic acted up pretty bad. he ate camp pizza on Friday. Played video games Satuday morning. Not sure if that was it or not. He did it another week and was able to handle it. Nicholas takes a baby asprin a day for a prior injury. He had an accident when he was 5 and tore his left artery in the back of his neck and had 3 strokes. He fully recovered from these strokes but needs to be on the asprin to keep his blood thin. We added these homeopathic mold drops to his supplements and has been doing very well on them. Lately I have been thinking the baby asprin messed up his digestive enzymes in his stomach which led to the allergies which led to the tics. This is my latest "theory" to go after. When Nicholas is at his dads house down the shore (newer house) mine is 15 years old. He usually has no tics what so ever. Something about the outside environment is good for him. The house is on the bay ?? My x does not watch his diet as well although he never gives hi what he isn't suppose to as best as he can. In other words he would give him cheez its and then say oh that only has alittle bit of dairy. Still Nicky is tic free there. I used to think my just didn't notice them as much so yesterday me and my new husband went for the day and hung out there. (we all get along!!!!) Nicky drank soda and ate while I was there and he was fine.


I do not plan on taking him off of the Topamax until I can figure out how to get him tic free all the time for good.


I wanted to mention on thing my ex stopped using soy yogurt for Nicks supplements and started using apple sauce. I may stop the soy yogurt when he comes home for a week and see. I only used it for his supps.




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Wonderful news about your little guy. It is great to hear our children can eat, (what they would call goodies) from time to time, and we parents don't have to stress out about the foods. OC, NJ reminds me of the days I spent in Sea Isle City, NJ. I'm so glad you are able to enjoy a vacation without worry.


Thanks for the update,


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