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Forgive me for all my posts/questions lately....I am trying to be SO prepared to conquer this whole thing and understand the things that I just really could not wrap my brain around back then.


My question is about the steroid burst or use people speak of. I know that it can be helpful in possibly diaganosing TS or Pandas. At least that is what I get from all my reading back in posts here.


The steroid burst seems to be effective for Pandas but REALLY BAD for tourettes poeple (not sure where tic dis-orders falls here)


But anyhow I know nothing of steroids....my daughter was prescribed Nasonex last year (do not use it anymore, barely touched it)

for nasal congestion. What I can make of this Nasonex is that it is also a steroid???


Would it be the same type of steroid that people use for the burst???


Thanks everyone....

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Just wanted to let you know my experience with Nasonex in case you ever use it for you daughter. I had poster about using Nasonex several months back and if I am recalling correctly most reported not having any negative increase in tics. However my son definately has an increase when I use the nasal steroids. It is temporary and definately subsides. It is the best option we have when he gets a cold since he never drains his sinuses and runs the risk of an infection. I noticed the increase on more than one occasion and my DAN doc relates it to dysbois or yeast caused by the steroid. BTW he does take daily probiotics and this still occurs. Just thought I'd share... hope all goes well with the Topamax taper!



Forgive me for all my posts/questions lately....I am trying to be SO prepared to conquer this whole thing and understand the things that I just really could not wrap my brain around back then.


My question is about the steroid burst or use people speak of. I know that it can be helpful in possibly diaganosing TS or Pandas. At least that is what I get from all my reading back in posts here.


The steroid burst seems to be effective for Pandas but REALLY BAD for tourettes poeple (not sure where tic dis-orders falls here)


But anyhow I know nothing of steroids....my daughter was prescribed Nasonex last year (do not use it anymore, barely touched it)

for nasal congestion. What I can make of this Nasonex is that it is also a steroid???


Would it be the same type of steroid that people use for the burst???


Thanks everyone....


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Hi Myrose,


We did the steroid burst, but only after talking to Dr. Lekman at Yale, who is a Tourrets expert and he assured me that the steroid burst would not make the tics worse, if it was not Pandas and possibly Tourettes. I was reluctant at first, but went ahead with it and it did not increase the tics. After the second week his teacher emailed me and told me that his tics had actually DECREASED.



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