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Dr.'s in the Bay Area. All understand PANS, some work more with ASD community ( * ), some will provide IVIG if needed ( # )


Dr. Lynn Mielke in Pleasanton: http://www.developmentalspectrums.com * #


Dr. Julie Griffith in San Rafael: http://www.mybrainhealth.org * #


Dr. Raj Patel in Redwood City: http://www.drrajpatel.net/ *


Whole Child Wellness: Belmont: http://www.wholefamilywellness.org *


Dr. Sunjya Schweig: Petalume: http://hillparkmedicalcenter.com #


dgfindley, Dr. Michael Chez, in Sacramento treats children under 18 with autism and PANS. He does not follow my DS because he is over 18 but having talked to him, I know Chez has experience with IVIG, PEX and immunomodulators. PM me for more information.

  • 3 weeks later...

thanks everyone for the recommendations... dr chez's office told us he doesn't do IVIG, that it was another doc in his office that did but has since moved, not sure I believe it since another friend of mine just got recommendation from chez for ivig, but whatever...

dr bhatka office was no help (we have seen her a few months ago and wasn't much help)... waiting two weeks for apt with dr schweig, ... finally found a local allergist/immunologist here in sac... dr chips that put the order through for ivig for my son, thank god and he even ordered a home nurse to do it in our home, I am a bit nervous, praying nothing goes wrong but am thankful... my husband has been on the docs office to get the referral through to accredo and on them to get through insurance, they rushed ordered it and our insurance is awesome didn't need approval so it is being overnighted to us and they are sending nurse hopefully Thursday.... I pray this helps, his rages have been unbearable for almost 9 months now, hurting himself and me badly psychotic episodes and the tics are violent barking noises non stop, with adrenaline surges off the charts, dysautonomia symptoms agonizing and hyperactivity that I can only describe as lunatic.... so scarry that this could happen to my sweet son... I pray we get him healthy again....


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