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Thank you for all of your help. I have talked to a doctor and he said it is not TD.





I wouldn't expect an MD to discuss any treatments other than meds. Some may want to (mostly they seem to roll their eyes or become very condescending) but are just too uncomfortable discussing an area where they really have very limited knowledge. I don't even feel comfortable taking their advice anymore on whether it's safe to take a supplement with a med. I have been given wrong info on a couple of occasions. I don't think I would take the advice of most reg. MD's regarding supplements if they tried!

Our neurologist was awful when I asked him to review the ingredients in Bontech vits. As always there are exceptions and I hope you have a Dr. who is at least respectful of your questions.




This page gives a little overview of symptoms of TD. You should read up on it. I know I have come across some studies that talked about the use of various vitamins (vit E was one and I think the studies were on Pub Med) when it developes. I also remember that the symptoms can disappear or be "covered up" by increasing dose of the med that's causing it, or restarting if the TD appeared when the drug was discontinued. If you have any suspicion, i would have him evaluated by the prescribing Dr. asap personally, and not let them "up" the dose if there is ANY POSSIBILITY that TD is developing.

There are many other sites that describe symptoms...



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Well, we had the appt with the neurologist. Overall, it was a nice visit. The Dr. didn't laugh us out of his office, however, he did say that TS is not caused by any vit dificiency or chemical imbalance and he had never heard of diet/supplementation having an effect on tics. The great thing about this doc was that he had tics as a child so he was able to relate to my son really well.


All that being said, I received a referral to see an allergist. But I am confused, will the alleregist test for food allergies/sensitivities or just environmental allergies like grass/mold/etc.?


Also, I found an alternative medical dr. that has a good repuation around here. I spoke with her and she said she could start my son on BIOFEEDBACK. She said this will help him to quiet his nerves.


So please, help me with my two questions:


1. How do I go about getting my son tested for all types of allergies - food and environmental?


2. Should I pursue the biofeedback treatment?

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Hi Jodi,

My son just went to the allergist and was tested for food and molds, grasses, etc I have now set up testing through ALCAT labs but their are some here that have used GREAT PLAINS--this is a test which will show a better picture of what allergies my son has and potential triggers--testing from the allergist showed my son had allergies to soy, corn and and a bunch of grasses and trees. I know there are people here who will have more info than me because I am fairly new as well--best of luck. I am not familiar with biofeedback



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Thank you for your quick reply. So, the allergist tested for food AND environmental allergies. That is good news since insurance will pay for our visit to the allergist. When you went to the allergist, did you tell them that you were concerned that your child's tics were being triggered by allergies? If so, what was the response of the docgtor?


How did the dr. test for allergies? Blood test?


Why are you pursing another lab?

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I did tell the allergist that I thought there could be a enviromental/allergic component--I don't really know if he believed it or not--he did the skin tests on him not a blood test. The things that I told you he tested for could have been a false positive--from the info I have gotten from other people that have used the test provided by the other labs the results will be more accurate on what food/dyes to cut out. This is so much to learn its overwhelimg at times I just keep reading this site, (old Posts) and gather as much info as I can. I just had my son tested for PANDAS and Lyme's since there has been links between these and tics. Let me know if you have any other questions. If I can offer you any info I would be happy to.



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