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Good to be here, I am quite new to tics....DS who is 8 has mild tics, mainly smelling objects and head/neck stretching..looking like they r stress related (school work) and i am implementing a natural diet for him basically so far cutting out all the nasties...and started to give him natural multi-vits..to see how it goes...


Diet, I am reading info on the effects food intolerances have and while it sounds like a good idea it is quite hard to know whats ok and whats not. So far have gone for natural colourings preservatives etc switched to soya milk, cutting out sals etc. but its hard to see which foods if any effect him.


Good to b here



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good to have you ;)

It is very hard at first, but my advice is to go by what he seems to eat the most of. Is he a big dairy guy (milk, cheese, ice-cream?), then i would start with that category. If not, along with the artificial flavorings and colorings, (which is basically packaged foods and candies) I would look at labels and try to stay (far) away from high fructose corn syrup. I recall cutting out that when my son had the neck stretch thing and I realized he was having regular pancake syrup many days a week on waffles and practically lapping up from the dish, and that seemed to help within a short time. So try what you can at first, but don't go overboard, as it then becomes an almost impossible task and then you won't know what seems to be helping. So in short, look at his diet, critique it, and then cut it out for a month to see if it seems to help any and decrease any of his tics. Even if it seems to help one thing, than that is a start.


good luck


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