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I'm just checking in. My son has now been on Azith 250mg for 30 days and we are at the 12th week since onset. We saw a bit of an improvement with attitude, ability to fall asleep and a reduction in his verbal tics, though the motor tics had continued. But since Thursday we lost all improvement in all areas and Monday he showed signs of a cold. It seems just a simple cold has caused a reoccurance or possibly even a worsening of his symptoms. Our local Dr is consulting Dr K today. I have this feeling that when Dr K hears that just a simple cold caused all this, that he is going to say that IVIG is about the only hope we have and my son's father is not the least bit on board with trying it. The last 12 weeks have sucked the life out of me and now it looks like I am starting at ground zero again...


I am so sorry to hear about the setback! :)


Our DD Sabrina did fantastic on Cephelexin (9 month course), and then when she went off - everything was great for four months and then after she caught a nasty cold that was going around, that was all she wrote. Since then the antibiotics stopped working and Sabrina's moods have been in full downswing motion since this past November.


Good luck with everything!! Keep us posted


I am sorry to hear about your son. My 12 yo daughter has been on Zithromax 250mg for more than 3 months and was diagnosed yesterday with an ear infection (she also has a bad cold). I was really surprised that she got an ear infedtion while on Zith, but my doctor said we could either up the Zith dose to 500mg/day OR give her Keflex for 10 days WHILE she still takes the Zithromax. She said she was comfortable with her being on both for only 10 days and that it is done a lot, so that is what we decided to do. Do you think Dr. K would try adding either Keflex or another cephalosporin OR increase his Zithromax dose? Just a thought. Good luck.



Hi Green Eyes,


Sorry about your sons increase in symptoms. Alot of us here can definately relate. March will be a year since my sons symptoms started, and we've hit ground zero several times. Our latest was after a simple 24-48 hour GI bug at Thanksgiving. It took his system approx. 6-8 wks to return to baseline. He continues to take Keflex 500mg for prophylactic measures, and it works well at this point. He is not the same child I had a year ago, but so much better than the initial onset. Sorry also to hear about his dad being "not on board" with IVIG. I think the potential of having your child improving long-term outways the risks of possible side-effects. It's something my husband and I are hoping to have done for our son soon. Hope things start to turn around. Call/E-mail me if you need to talk. Glenda


This happened with us on Azith as well...although I think the "cold" could have been strep even on the antibiotic...because although I didn't get full blown strep myself, I had white spots in my throat and dd's behavior changed dramatically. Are you in PA? I'm just asking because Swedo mentioned areas of PA as being resistant to Azith--which my dd was on. Now we are switching to Augmentin ( so far, much much better, but only day one of the Augmentin).

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