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What do you do when your child gets tired of being the experiment?


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My ds is tired of me pushing pills on him, telling him he can't eat this or that, making him take epsom salts baths when he'd rather shower, etc. What do you do? Honestly, his tics are pretty mild and we have LOTS of cheating on the 'diet'; I allow a few Sprites a week, nitrated meats about 2x a week, etc. The only thing I'm extremely diligent about is the food coloring. NOthing has changed in our lives the past 2 months but I've seen his tics steadily increasing since late November. I allow the video games, computer games, and some of the junk food occasionally just as I had been before so I'm trying to figure out why he's ticcing more. He's added an eyebrow raising to his eye winking. He keeps getting frustrated when I want to add in more B6 or make him drink the Natural Calm, etc. He says the tics don't bother him so why are we doing all this?? ARRGGHHHHHH! It's driving me crazy. I'm trying to find that fine line of keeping him on the right track while not pushing to hard so as to have total rebellion on my hands! How do you get your kids to take all their supplements???



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If you are allowing some cheating here and there, it could be catching up. That's how it usually is for us, there is no way I can stay on track indefinitely. I just couldn't keep every little bleep out, but I do know when enough is enough and I have to pull back. I am not one that sees immediate ticcing from "the bad list", but even when a little seems okay, if I keep allowing it, evenutally it accumulates and I know what I have to take out for a while. This has happened recently with something as innocent as fruit and especially bananas. I started giving him some fruits and bananas where he wasn't getting any for quite some time. It seemed okay for the first week, but after two bananas a day for a couple of weeks, my son was eye ticcing way more. Once I knocked off for a week, he was back to baseline. I have been suspicious of those before, so I'll know better next time, this just boosted my suspicions.


If what you are doing works, then I say stick to it as much as you can. But when it all just becomes experimentation with not much results, then you do have to find a balance. I think we all go thru this, depending on how old the child is. I have changed courses several times. There are some things i try to stick to as much as possible and would not give up on, but some things you gotta let go of once in a while, its inevitable.



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