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nanocolloidal detox factors

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Guest chris hardy



please please type in 'nanocolloidal detox factors ' on any web server for probably the best means of detoxing mercury received in vaccines as the vaccine preservative'thimerosal'......now thankfully banned from vaccines in the USA while it is still scandolously used in the UK . Mercury is the second most toxic substance after radioactive substances...It has no place in medicine other than the use of homeopathic remedies to help deal with mercury symptons.... In the UK the supplement co. 'Higher nature ' are the sole importer of 'NDF' as it is known and will provide a list of UK medical practitioners who can use it wisely alongside other medical interventions..... Mercury causes Autism! ... It is most probably a cause in many related conditions.... NDF is being used for 1000's of vaccine damaged children in the USA and smaller no's of children as yet in the UK... CHildren usually need to be potty trained in order to analyse urine samples for heavy metal contamination tested using NDF and treated with NDF.....THe usa Food and Drug Administration has stated that Mercury is NOT 'generally recognised as safe'... IN Germany Mercury fillings are now banned and in Sweden they will no longer fund mercury Dentistry through their health service ...

Meanwhile the UK government continue to support the myth that the second most toxic susbtance known is safe to use in medicine. This is in the interests of political expediency,to protect the Dept of Health and Doctors and Dentists( THERE ARE INCREASING NOS OF MERCURY FREE DENTISTS IN THE UK AND USA!) THe UK Food Safety agency made a real gaff by stating the safe levels of Mercury in fish such as tuna and swordfish..... It turns out the level of mercury used in the MMR vaccine is 43 TIMES that allowed for an adult from FISH!.... ELy Lily the US Pharmaceutical giant have known thimerosal was toxic from experiments on dogs which resulted in extensive nerve damage .. they have tried to hide this research and continue to make thimerosal as a prervative for vaccine4 which enhances the shelf life of their product and hence increases profits whilst causing autism/aspergers/ADHD and who knows what other condition.....So plese just type in'nanocolloidal detox factors' ......Find out hre truth and a useful solution to assisting recovery from mercury induced illness!.... good luck.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest disappointed mom

Thimerisol hasn't been banned in the USA. They have started removing it from many of the new vaccines, but old stock is still being used and the flu shot and the dpt still contains thimerisol.


disappointed mom

  • 3 weeks later...

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