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My daughter told me today in school she had a spasm on top of the head for about 1 minute. She thinks nothing of it because she told a friend and her friend told her she gets that all the time in her eye. She always tells me everything but hates when I think anything of it. She told me she put her hand on her head and actually felt the spasm.

Can that be a tic on top of the head I never heard someone speak of that and should I be worried.

It was only for a minute but at the same time I keep thinking about it. My whole family is sick of me reading up on everything and worrying about everything so you guys are LIFE SAVER, THANK YOU!


There are no muscles on top of the head therefore no spasm is possible.


Maybe she felt something under the skin. Was it a fluid sensation, like rushing water or something? Or maybe the nerve endings on top of her head freaked out for a minute, like she got goosebumps or something.

There are no muscles on top of the head therefore no spasm is possible.


Maybe she felt something under the skin. Was it a fluid sensation, like rushing water or something? Or maybe the nerve endings on top of her head freaked out for a minute, like she got goosebumps or something.

IT was on the left side of her head more towards the back and she felt her skin go up and down she compared it to a spasm. It sounds like a wave. I guess I should see if it happens again. I don't know, it's just that these doctors when I go it seems like that look at me like im crazy because they never see anything! Then plus my daughter looks at me crazy because im concerned. She is a very smart girl, she is a straight A student, never gave me any touble in school but when it comes to these tics she has no concern for them at all. I have to remind her everyday to take a vitamins and to eat right. I'm really glad she tells me everything and im rambling im tired, I have been worring about this and hopefully it's nothing. Thank you


There may not be muscles directly on top of the head but there are musccles attached to the forehead, temples, sides of the head and base of the skull. As well as connective tissue overlaying the skull. Muscles have charactisitc referral patterns so if there is spasm or a trigger point in one muscle it is possible to feel it else where. So perhaps the feeling of spasm on top or to the side of the head is possible. You could try a scalp massage...who doesn't love that!


Hello, I just joined this forum and wish to comment on the "top of head" issues!


I've had a painful area on the top of my head, sort of to the left and back. I thought maybe I bumped it

and didn't remember. Worse yet my hair is fine, thin, rather gray and I'm guilty of not always wearing a hat.

I was thinking maybe because it is so sore, I'm getting something from sun exposure. My dad was bald and

had several areas of skin cancer.


I called my older sister saying I was very worried and she said, you know I had that years ago when I went

to Dr. Lanoff and he told me there are nerve endings in the top of your head that can get stressed for various

reasons, he gave her antihistamine. This is a long story, sorry.


I got my hair cut today and I asked her to look at the top of my head. She's looking and says this is so strange.

I said don't tell me I have red spots. She said no, you are the 3rd person in 2 days complaining of pain in the same

spot and there is nothing. One lady is going to the dermatologist because she is so worried. I told her what my

sisters allergist said about nerve endings and this can be triggered by sinus congestion, various things.


I'm not telling someone to ignore pain, or not go to the doctor but he did tell her leave it alone, stop pressing

or touching it. I'm just going to wait it out for awhile and see if it gets better.

Hello, I just joined this forum and wish to comment on the "top of head" issues!


I've had a painful area on the top of my head, sort of to the left and back. I thought maybe I bumped it

and didn't remember. Worse yet my hair is fine, thin, rather gray and I'm guilty of not always wearing a hat.

I was thinking maybe because it is so sore, I'm getting something from sun exposure. My dad was bald and

had several areas of skin cancer.


I called my older sister saying I was very worried and she said, you know I had that years ago when I went

to Dr. Lanoff and he told me there are nerve endings in the top of your head that can get stressed for various

reasons, he gave her antihistamine. This is a long story, sorry.


I got my hair cut today and I asked her to look at the top of my head. She's looking and says this is so strange.

I said don't tell me I have red spots. She said no, you are the 3rd person in 2 days complaining of pain in the same

spot and there is nothing. One lady is going to the dermatologist because she is so worried. I told her what my

sisters allergist said about nerve endings and this can be triggered by sinus congestion, various things.


I'm not telling someone to ignore pain, or not go to the doctor but he did tell her leave it alone, stop pressing

or touching it. I'm just going to wait it out for awhile and see if it gets better.

Hi Susan thanks so much for your reply. My daughters head did not hurt. When she explained it to me she said spasm. Then when I told her to tell her father she said pulse. Which ever one it has not happened again and I hope if it does she tells me because sometimes I do worry to much and I think she senses it. You mentioned sinus congestion and she does have a cold. Thanks for your reply but you did not tell us your story and by the way WELCOME!


My son (10) has definite tender spots on the back of his head. A medical massage therapist said to put pressure on the spots to release fluid pressure.

This is not an enjoyable massage though. When his tics are worse, the spots are more tender. When the tics are waning, the tenderness is negligible.


Has anyone else noticed this?

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