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My son constantly has the mouth sores also. Is that a common factor with PANDAS?


I believe that PANDAS is on the spectrum. A ton of the issues are similar to autism. If you search the autism community many of the kids have PANDAS symptoms also immune troubles. Also the sensory issues are common to both. Also the obsessive thoughts. Hyperactivity can be common to both also. http://www.danasview.net/virfile.htm Here is a good link to some good immune and autism info.


What might viral issues look like in my child?


I have been unable to establish any precise list of what viral signs would look like—there is too much controversy. Some of the signs listed are considered soft signs while others are considered more valid indicators. It would depend on who you spoke to which category any of these possible indicators falls into. In researching this file I read many times that dealing with viral issues is sometimes like chelating autistic children: the only way to know for sure if it is going to work is to try it and do it properly.


Some children might display the following signs:


· Motor problems, including fine motor problems. Sometimes these problems are one-sided (often the right side seems weaker). Some people believe that toe-walking is also a sign.

· The child seems to move from improved behaviour to more autistic behaviour for no apparent reason. These cycles of progression then regression might last weeks or months.

· Less autistic behaviours during and immediately following fevers followed by a return to more typical behaviours after this time has passed.

· Chronic viral-like illnesses or no symptoms of ever being sick.

· Negative reaction after MMR vaccination.

· Cold sores/fever blisters/unexplained sores in or around mouth. Warts, plantar warts.



Very interesting - this viral idea. I had forgotten about this, but before Gaby got sick with PANDAS (1 year ago) she had a bout with several plantar's warts and I believe one wart on her finger too. It wasn't long after that she had that week long fever, sore throat, headaches that launched her into this whole nightmare and then of course a week after that she ended up with a mouth full of herpes simplex lesions, gums - tongue - lips - even a couple down her chin. Since then, she has had one small herpes lesion on her lower lip about every other month or so (sometimes skips 1 or 2 months). Pat


















· Continual gut problems in spite of all possible efforts to alleviate them.

· Improvement while on antibiotics—this may be a result of a concomitant bacterial problem.

· Hyperactivity

· OCD, scripting, repeating fairly meaningless actions (tics) or sounds.

· Staying in own world (see for example the recovery video of Ethan as mentioned below for this last one).

· Sensory integration disorder, eye or ear sensitivity

. Hypotonia.


Some parents might choose to run tests that may indicate viral problems. It is, however, of no use to run these tests unless your doctor is clear as to the course of treatment that will be followed if certain results are obtained. It would be important to understand what these treatments will be, on what criteria will they be used, and if you are willing to have your child undergo these treatments.


Sometimes these tests will show extremely high titers to things such as Epstein-Barr Virus (very rare in a young child), Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2, HHV6 and the measles virus (which, of course, most children will have titers to because of the MMR).


Sometimes the titers will not be high at all because the child’s immune system is unable to mount any sort of defense. Andy points out that, “If titers are NOT elevated for something they were vaccinated against, then yes there is a serious problem, it is with humoral immunity, and it needs to be explored carefully.”


Some feel that low NK cells is a sign of viral problems although low NK cells is indicative of mercury toxicity too and this would seem like the much more likely explanation in metal toxic children. Andy comments that, “Low NK cell number AND activity is characteristic of mercury toxicity, is seen in all mercury toxic kids and not the others, and does not correlate very well with response to antiviral treatment.”


Dr. McCandless’s book speaks of testing. The lab recommended by Dr. McCandless for testing is Immunosciences Lab., Inc which you can find at


Again, if your doctor is not very clear as to how test results will dictate treatment, the tests may not be worthwhile, in terms of both expense and having blood drawn from your child.


Common viruses can be tested at labs within your own city and covered by insurance. Understand that IgG refers to past infection or vaccination. IgM refers to current or recent infection or vaccination. You would want to test for both for each virus.


Consistant low white blood count and high lymphocyte percentage are often associated with viral infections. Andy notes that, “lymphocytes go up during and for a few weeks after viral infections, while neutrophils go up during and for a few weeks after bacterial or fungal/yeast infections.”


I don't think it is the antibiotics causing the autism symptoms but the PANDAS or viral symptoms. I know we experience the symptoms on that list. Definitely the motor hyptonia issues and toe walking is on that list too.




Its been about a week now since we started the program. I have noticed a few things but am not sure if they are related to her treatment.

The first thing was a healthy appetite...she is really eating and this makes me happy. She has been 40 pounds forever!!!

Next is that the whites of her eyes seem REALLY white.

Sometimes she would have the bag like effect under her eyes as well, almost like the dark circles some describe on here...haven't seen that at all.

Lastly is her complexion...I can't really put my finger on the change but it looks so good. She looks maybe more vibrant (healthy) more glowing (hope that makes sense, hard to explain)

Not sure if these things are from the program, but I notice every little thing and these 3 things are absouletly different.


We will not know if all this will effect her tics and other issues until we wean off from topamax (yes we are still on it)

We plan to come off topamx after the program is completed and also after her blood is re-checked (dry analysis) and we get the okay that it worked. I am praying everyday that it will all have a positive effect on her. The last two weeks deal with the metal extraction and that is what I really want to see....as far as the outcome afterwards.

Hope all is well with you...Thanks for thinking of us and have a nice night.

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