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Hey Eveyone, My names matt and IM 23 Years old. It all started for me last October. I woke up one morning and I noticed I had this strange sensation to blink my eyes. So far, its been almost a year and its gotten the best of me. I gets to the point sometimes where in order for me to concentrate on something I have to actually do something else to get my mind off the blinking. I my case its rubbing the side of my face with my thumb. I know this is tic, but I cant see how it just started in october. I mean, I had a several small tics as a chilin, nose schruncghing and mouth widening. But that was over 15 years ago. Ive had tons of tests done. Blood tests, allergy tests, Thryroid Tests, Cyliac Tests, MRI of my brain, CAT Scans and everything came up normal. Im on restasis for dry eye as well to see if that helps out at all.Now I do know I have an allergy to Nickel, which is is the stainless steal rods that are in my spine. I had back surgery 8 years ago. And im prob going to have them removed snd replaced with titanium because i kinda wore em out from going to the gym. I also have severl Tattoos and i Know some ink can contain Nickel in it. I was on Wellbutrin xl for a while which was prescribed by and old shirnk, and my new Shrink ( great Dr )believes that the wellbutrin xl I was on for like 3 years might have brought out the tics. Also, Im a pretty heavy smoker, about 15 cigs a day, not a quite a pack but close. So I need some help here people. Ill sum it up..



1) Anyone one know if a Nickel allergy Can cause motor tics such as Blinking? or any type of spinal problem?


2) Are their any meds other then clonzepan that help for tics. I heard Tennax works rather well? anyone?


3) If anyone has any other ideas what this could be, please let me know, or anythign else to get tested for?


4) Also, IM on the Computer Alot, Basically 8 hours a day at work then some when I get home.


So thast it really, I really would like some help here people. I really am getting to the end of my rope with this becuase it is quite uncomfortable. IM trying to be positve about it but its just so hard after so many tests have come up negative.



In need of help




My email address is Tollitollz@gmail.com




I was wondering if you would mind sharing why you had the rods placed? Was it a bone problem, injury, scoliosis?


I am particularly interested in anything to do with tics and bone, cartilage problems or any form of clotting disorders or autoimmune issues . Seems we have some genes in our family that may be susceptible to problems in this area. Also, could I ask if you have any unusual reactions to any types of medications?


Since you don't mention your eyes even feeling dry and you have had many tests (I'm assuming that there was nothing suggesting autoimmune problems) I doubt that anything here will apply, but I have wondered about the occasional eye rolls and my youngest son saying that his eyes felt dry at different times. This was something that I ran across and wondered if there was anything here that rang any bells for you?


Sjogren's Syndrome



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