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Hi all need a little advice, even if you have little children and have any advice please chime in.


Son is very unhappy that his bedtime is 10pm during summer, it is 9:30 during school. He feels like I'm being very unfair. The problem is his vocals get so much louder at night, and I still have an 11yo who must be in bed by 9:00. I myself try to get to bed by 10:30. I try to tell him others need to sleep and all I get is all my friends don't have to go to bed so early. He does not care that the vocals are loud and bother others. I also have to make sure he is up by 8:00am otherwise he won't go to sleep by 10. This is another topic we deal with.


Thanks for any help,



Well, this dilemna is the story of my life. :lol:

If I could figure a way to get my son to bed at a decent time 'every' night, that would be half my battle. The problem is not getting up there to get ready for bed, its how long the nighttime routines take, i.e. bath, undress, snack, "digest", brush teeth, argue about his program coming on, and heaven forbid we have to read for school, ..... yikes, he takes forever to complete all this because, well, that's him, he just does. :(


But as far as advice, I think they should get to bed as early as you can get them because they need it, and just not to get them used to pushing it later and later. But I think 10 pm sometimes in the summer should be okay for his age group, especially if there is good reason. (sorry ^_^ )




Hi all need a little advice, even if you have little children and have any advice please chime in.


Son is very unhappy that his bedtime is 10pm during summer, it is 9:30 during school. He feels like I'm being very unfair. The problem is his vocals get so much louder at night, and I still have an 11yo who must be in bed by 9:00. I myself try to get to bed by 10:30. I try to tell him others need to sleep and all I get is all my friends don't have to go to bed so early. He does not care that the vocals are loud and bother others. I also have to make sure he is up by 8:00am otherwise he won't go to sleep by 10. This is another topic we deal with.


Thanks for any help,


My ds has a year round bedtime of 10 PM. He's homeschooled so we don't have a wakeup time in the AM. Once we start 'real' school in August I'm moving his bedtime to 9:30. Not that this helps you at all as my ds is 9 and I know your's is older. I had a bedtime of 8:00 until I was 12 and then it was 9 when I was 13 and 14. I remember thinking it was very unfair, as well.


Can he do something in his own room despite the vocals? Can he read with the door closed or draw a comic strip or play an approved computer game? Reading makes many people tired and he might be willing to go to bed on time if you make him start reading around 9:30 or so. I understand, though, where you're coming from. I need a break from ds's tics and I go to sleep around 10:30-11 and that really is my 'peace time'!


Can his sibling listen to music on headphones (to drown out noise) or an ipod while he/she falls asleep? Or maybe one of the little sound machines that has choices like rain, white noise, rain forest, babbling brook . . . They even have a timer for 15/30/60 minutes.


Thanks guys,


I like the idea about the sound machines, I have read offices ues them in the cubicals to quiet the noise in the next cubical. Thanks, Tami.






He is 14 1/2, and thanks for that info. I think part is his age and just wanting to argue about whatever.



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