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fish oil


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I was just wondering if anyone has seen an increase in fish oil and stuck it out to then see a decrease? Sort of like things have to get bad before they get better kind of thing. Dr. Murphy's assistant said to stick it out and then things will die down, yet I was wondering if that has been the case for anyone or do they just switch to something else?

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I was just wondering if anyone has seen an increase in fish oil and stuck it out to then see a decrease? Sort of like things have to get bad before they get better kind of thing. Dr. Murphy's assistant said to stick it out and then things will die down, yet I was wondering if that has been the case for anyone or do they just switch to something else?

My daughter also seem to tic more with fish oil. I stopped and used flaxseed oil. I'm thinking of going back and trying it again. I spoke to consultant at Great Plains and she said the same thing, to stick it out. I did take her off pretty fast , so I'm thinking of trying it again. I know there are some on the site who prefer the flaxseed oil because tics increased. Everyone is different I guess the

question is how long of a time do you give it?

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I got an answer from Dr. Robin Pauc about this:


Hi [name]


The jury is out as to whether or not the body can effectively metabolise flaxseed oil.


If you are taking fish oils you should also take Vit C and B complex together with zinc and magnesium to help the body to deal with it.


An increase in the level of tics is not unusual when you start a new form of treatment. However, it is very important that the diet and supplements are dealt with first of all, then specific physical exercises and then certain computer generated treatments.


Best wishes




Dr. Robin Pauc's theories are a bit controversial though.

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