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I was searching articles today, like I do daily, and came across this one I had not remembered seeing before. http://www.enzymestory.com/PANDAS.html

I saw some great links in it for PANDAS. However what caught my eye was the link to elevated hippuric acid and glycine and PANDAS. Andrew had these in his microbial panel. His markers were elevated. Have others here had these tests done and seen this similarity? It was like a light bulb moment. Could this be the trigger for the PANDAS? What is going on here? Why are there so many more cases we are hearing about? Any comments would be appreciated.





HAandGlycine · hippuric acid and glycine


Site Description:This list is set up to investigate the simililarity in stories among people who have high hippuric acid and/or glycine on laboratory testing. We are especially interested if there is any link in history to PANDAS or strep infection. Discussion of medical articles relevant to this issue is welcomed.

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